Contract Development Application Skills in Leeds

Results 1 - 33 of 33
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Absolute & Relative
Jobs Vacancies
JIRA35+14£450-14.28%34 4.27%15
Jenkins42+1£475-9.52%25 3.14%11
Git49+1£450-20.00%18 2.26%17
Selenium50+20£419-16.25%17 2.14%10
GitLab57+27£475-17.39%10 1.26%5
Team Foundation Server58-£450-9 1.13%1
Dreamweaver59-£203-8 1.01%
JUnit61+34£550-4.34%6 0.75%1
JMeter61+32£400-5.88%6 0.75%2
Postman61+23£471-14.36%6 0.75%7
XCUITest61-£563-6 0.75%
Axure RP62+32£294-5 0.63%1
Cucumber62+24£400-20.00%5 0.63%4
Sonatype Nexus63+31£575+15.00%4 0.50%2
SonarQube63+29£569+3.40%4 0.50%4
Maven63+26£434-15.31%4 0.50%1
Cypress.io63+17£517-1.52%4 0.50%4
AppScan63-£569-4 0.50%1
Burp Suite63-£569-4 0.50%1
WebDriver64+31£400+60.00%3 0.38%
Mockito64+15£450-35.71%3 0.38%
gulp64-£432-3 0.38%
REST Assured65+30£550-4.34%2 0.25%
Visual Studio65+26£275-42.01%2 0.25%1
Bitbucket65+25£456-5.92%2 0.25%
Gatling65-£400-2 0.25%
TestNG65---2 0.25%
Subversion66+27--1 0.13%
NeoLoad66-£375-1 0.13%
CocoaPods66---1 0.13%
TestRail66---1 0.13%
LoadRunner66-£375-1 0.13%
Xcode66---1 0.13%