Senior Full-Stack Developer

Senior Full-Stack Engineer (React/Typescript/NodeJS) - Warrington

Are you an experienced Senior Full-Stack Engineer who has extensive experience of delivering NHS APIs, and specialises in React, Typescript, and NodeJS?

Are you passionate about transforming digital health care, working on a Primary Care SaaS product to elevate health care delivery to patients?

You will be working for a progressive company whose aim is to add value to GPs & PCNs (Primary Care Networks), through revolutionary technology, finding a solution for patients to free up time for general practice staff & deliver care to patients!

This is a permanent/hybrid opportunity in Warrington, offering a salary range of £50,000-£60,000, whilst working in a meaningful environment.

Please note that all applicants MUST have the full rights to work in the UK, as sponsorship will not be offered for this opportunity.

What does the role entail?

As the Senior Full Stack Developer, you will be a key member of their Software Engineering team, who are building a revolutionary, Health Tech platform.

Key Responsibilities:

Full Stack Development:

  • Design and implement end-to-end solutions using a full stack of technologies, including front-end and back-end development.
  • Experience of NHS API integration with proven examples of deliverables against the NHS API Standards

AWS Architecture:

Architect, develop, and deploy applications on AWS, leveraging cloud services such as EC2, Lambda, S3, DynamoDB, and others.

Front-End Development:

Develop responsive and intuitive user interfaces using modern front-end frameworks (React, Typescript).

Back-End Development:

Build robust and scalable server-side applications using languages like Node.js.

  • Implement RESTful APIs and integrate with databases.

Database Management:

Design and optimize database schemas, and proficiently work with both SQL and NoSQL databases.

Code Reviews and Collaboration:

Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including product managers, designers, and other developers.

What skills will you have?

  • Extensive experience of delivering NHS API's (E.g. EPS, MESH, CiS-2, ODS, PDS, etc)
  • Bachelor's degree in computer science, Software Engineering, or a related field (desirable)
  • Proven experience as a Full Stack Developer, with a focus on AWS architecture.
  • Strong proficiency in front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and frameworks (React, Typescript)
  • In-depth knowledge of server-side programming languages and frameworks (NodeJS)
  • Experience delivering unit testing as part of code delivery.
  • Hands-on experience with AWS services and infrastructure.

What is on offer?

A salary of £50,000-£60,000 is on offer working in a meaningful environment to benefit the health care sector.

They are building a team based on individuals who want to make a difference and who like to use their initiative.

You will be working within a progressive environment and will be given the opportunity to advance your career within IT/Tech.

Antony James Recruitment Ltd
Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Employment Type
£50000 - £60000/annum
Antony James Recruitment Ltd
Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Employment Type
£50000 - £60000/annum