Contract Communications & Computer Network Skills in Cambridgeshire

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Jobs Vacancies
Remote Desktop54+2£250-20.00%1 0.20%4
GSM54+2£400-11.11%1 0.20%6
PBX54+2£425-1 0.20%
RS-23254+2--1 0.20%
Cisco Wireless54+2£425-1 0.20%
SAN54+1£425-9.33%1 0.20%4
NAS54+1£425-1 0.20%1
VLAN54+1£425+30.76%1 0.20%3
Ethernet54-3£200-49.20%1 0.20%19
3GPP54-4£400-20.00%1 0.20%1
DNS54-7£425-15.00%1 0.20%13
DHCP54-7£425-15.00%1 0.20%13
InfiniBand54-£250-1 0.20%
MQTT54---1 0.20%2
TETRA54-£400-1 0.20%4
UMTS54-£400-1 0.20%
VoIP54-£160-1 0.20%4
Bluetooth53+3£400-11.11%2 0.40%11
Intrusion Detection53+3£750-2 0.40%1
4G53+1£400-38.46%2 0.40%13
LTE53-1£400-20.00%2 0.40%13
WAN53-1£525+61.53%2 0.40%12
TCP/IP53-4£313-26.47%2 0.40%18
Cisco ISE53-£255-2 0.40%
5G NR53-£575-2 0.40%
VPN52+1£240-4.00%3 0.60%10
5G52-£575-3 0.60%17
LAN510£393-4 0.80%13
Firewall51-1£260-32.46%4 0.80%21
Wireless48-16£450-3.74%7 1.41%31
Radio Access Network48---7 1.41%
Software-Defined Radio46-£575-9 1.81%2
Wi-Fi20+11£400-17.94%43 8.63%17