Contract Development Application Skills in Reading

Results 1 - 35 of 35
Sort by Demand Rank 6 Months to 27 Apr 2024Rank
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Jobs Vacancies
JIRA42+9£613+17.78%50 4.22%8
Git47+3£613+25.64%45 3.80%5
Jenkins52-8£625+25.00%40 3.38%5
Selenium58+7£650+18.18%34 2.87%2
GitLab65+5£663+17.25%27 2.28%2
Cucumber67+9£650+33.33%25 2.11%3
SonarQube68+1£663+45.60%24 2.03%1
REST Assured68+12£663+30.54%24 2.03%2
Visual Studio76+2£550+7.31%16 1.35%1
Robot Framework78-1£501-17.86%14 1.18%
TestRail80-£550-12 1.01%
Oracle Forms83-4£675+25.58%9 0.76%
JUnit87-17--5 0.42%1
JMeter88-10£425-6.33%4 0.34%
LoadRunner89-£615-3 0.25%
TestLink89---3 0.25%1
SpecFlow90-7£550+46.66%2 0.17%
Xcode91---1 0.084%
NUnit91-£550-1 0.084%
TeamCity91-£550-1 0.084%
WebDriver91---1 0.084%1
MSTest91-£550-1 0.084%
Mockito91-20--1 0.084%
Axure RP91-£610-1 0.084%
SoapUI91---1 0.084%
CMake91-£369-1 0.084%
Bitbucket91-6£450-10.00%1 0.084%
Artifactory91-8£450-29.41%1 0.084%
Android Studio91---1 0.084%
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)91---1 0.084%
Appium91-6£550+46.66%1 0.084%
webpack91-6£500+25.00%1 0.084%
Visual Studio Code91-6£425-17.47%1 0.084%
Postman91---1 0.084%
rollup.js91-£500-1 0.084%