Contract Process & Methodology Skills in Brighton

Results 51 - 100 of 112
6 Months to
YoY Change
Sort by median daily rate for the 6 months to 20 Sep 2024Median
Daily Rate
Median Daily Rate
YoY Change
Absolute & Relative
Jobs Vacancies
Change Management13-£425-6 11.11%
Continuous Improvement170£400-2 3.70%4
ITIL180£400-27.27%1 1.85%
Problem-Solving2+11£400-31.91%23 42.59%18
Customer Service16+2£400-3 5.56%11
Computer Science180£400-1 1.85%3
Process Improvement180£400-1 1.85%4
Root Cause Analysis18-£400-1 1.85%
Software Deployment18-£400-1 1.85%
Security Patching18-£400-1 1.85%
Deployment Automation18-£400-1 1.85%
Chat Support16-£400-3 5.56%
Natural Language Processing16-£400-3 5.56%
Machine Learning16-£400-3 5.56%4
Artificial Intelligence16-£400-3 5.56%4
Conversational UI16-£400-3 5.56%
Project Delivery15-£375-4 7.41%1
Risk Analysis18-£375-1 1.85%
PRINCE218-£375-1 1.85%1
Six Sigma18-£375-1 1.85%
Project Management16+2£345+7.81%3 5.56%8
Time Management17-£345-2 3.70%4
User Acceptance Testing18-3£315-33.68%1 1.85%2
Data Protection18-3£315-49.60%1 1.85%
User Stories180£315-51.53%1 1.85%2
Backlog Management180£315-1 1.85%
Customer Experience18-1£315-1 1.85%6
Objectives and Key Results18-£315-1 1.85%
Product Backlog18-£315-1 1.85%1
Storytelling18-£315-1 1.85%1
Epics18-£315-1 1.85%
Sprint Retrospective18-£315-1 1.85%1
Sprint Planning18-£315-1 1.85%3
Sprint Review18-£315-1 1.85%
Quantitative Research18-£315-1 1.85%
Acceptance Criteria18-£315-1 1.85%
Qualitative Research18-£315-1 1.85%
Customer Insight18-£315-1 1.85%3
B2C18-£315-1 1.85%4
Validation18-£315-1 1.85%
Service Delivery15+3--4 7.41%
Collaborative Working15+2--4 7.41%4
Risk Management180--1 1.85%
Software Testing180--1 1.85%1
Web Accessibility180--1 1.85%3
API Testing180--1 1.85%1
Wireframes180--1 1.85%
Coaching170--2 3.70%7
Due Diligence17---2 3.70%
Data Collection17---2 3.70%