Azure Synapse Analytics Jobs in the North West

Azure Synapse Analytics
England > North West

The table below provides summary statistics for permanent job vacancies advertised in the North West requiring Azure Synapse Analytics skills. It includes a benchmarking guide to the annual salaries offered in vacancies that cited Azure Synapse Analytics over the 6 months leading up to 7 February 2025, comparing them to the same period in the previous two years.

6 months to
7 Feb 2025
Same period 2024 Same period 2023
Rank 242 228 282
Rank change year-on-year -14 +54 -4
Permanent jobs citing Azure Synapse Analytics 17 19 29
As % of all permanent jobs advertised in the North West 0.21% 0.28% 0.35%
As % of the Cloud Services category 1.13% 0.76% 0.77%
Number of salaries quoted 9 18 25
10th Percentile £40,500 £41,250 £40,370
25th Percentile £63,750 £42,875 £47,500
Median annual salary (50th Percentile) £75,000 £51,250 £60,000
Median % change year-on-year +46.34% -14.58% -
75th Percentile £87,500 £59,563 £85,000
90th Percentile £115,000 £65,500 £91,750
England median annual salary £68,750 £65,000 £70,000
% change year-on-year +5.77% -7.14% -

All Cloud Skills
North West

Azure Synapse Analytics falls under the Cloud Services category. For comparison with the information above, the following table provides summary statistics for all permanent job vacancies requiring cloud computing skills in the North West.

Permanent vacancies with a requirement for cloud computing skills 1,500 2,513 3,774
As % of all permanent jobs advertised in the North West 18.83% 36.37% 46.07%
Number of salaries quoted 870 2,066 2,192
10th Percentile £33,000 £29,000 £31,189
25th Percentile £42,500 £38,750 £41,250
Median annual salary (50th Percentile) £55,000 £52,500 £55,000
Median % change year-on-year +4.76% -4.55% -
75th Percentile £73,750 £70,000 £70,000
90th Percentile £85,225 £84,056 £85,000
England median annual salary £65,000 £57,500 £65,000
% change year-on-year +13.04% -11.54% +8.33%

Azure Synapse Analytics
Job Vacancy Trend in the North West

Job postings citing Azure Synapse Analytics as a proportion of all IT jobs advertised in the North West.

Job vacancy trend for Azure Synapse Analytics in the North West

Azure Synapse Analytics
Salary Trend in the North West

3-month moving average salary quoted in jobs citing Azure Synapse Analytics in the North West.

Salary trend for Azure Synapse Analytics in the North West

Azure Synapse Analytics
Salary Histogram in the North West

Salary distribution for jobs citing Azure Synapse Analytics in the North West over the 6 months to 7 February 2025.

Salary histogram for Azure Synapse Analytics in the North West

Azure Synapse Analytics
Job Locations in the North West

The table below looks at the demand and provides a guide to the median salaries quoted in IT jobs citing Azure Synapse Analytics within the North West region over the 6 months to 7 February 2025. The 'Rank Change' column provides an indication of the change in demand within each location based on the same 6 month period last year.

Location Rank Change
on Same Period
Last Year
IT Job Ads
Median Salary
Past 6 Months
Median Salary
% Change
on Same Period
Last Year
Manchester +34 15 £75,000 +36.36% 24
Merseyside - 2 £73,750 -
Azure Synapse Analytics

Azure Synapse Analytics
Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities in the North West by Category

The follow tables expand on the table above by listing co-occurrences grouped by category. The same employment type, locality and period is covered with up to 20 co-occurrences shown in each of the following categories:

Application Platforms
1 3 (17.65%) Microsoft Exchange
1 3 (17.65%) SharePoint
Cloud Services
1 17 (100.00%) Azure
2 6 (35.29%) AWS
3 5 (29.41%) Azure Data Factory
3 5 (29.41%) Azure DevOps
4 4 (23.53%) dbt
4 4 (23.53%) GCP
4 4 (23.53%) Snowflake
5 3 (17.65%) Microsoft 365
5 3 (17.65%) OneDrive
6 2 (11.76%) Amazon S3
6 2 (11.76%) Azure ExpressRoute
6 2 (11.76%) IaaS
6 2 (11.76%) Microsoft Purview
6 2 (11.76%) PaaS
6 2 (11.76%) Power Platform
6 2 (11.76%) SaaS
7 1 (5.88%) Azure Cosmos DB
Communications & Networking
1 2 (11.76%) DNS
2 1 (5.88%) Internet
Database & Business Intelligence
1 10 (58.82%) Data Lake
2 5 (29.41%) OLTP
3 3 (17.65%) Azure SQL Database
3 3 (17.65%) SQL Server
4 2 (11.76%) Amazon Athena
4 2 (11.76%) Amazon Redshift
4 2 (11.76%) BigQuery
4 2 (11.76%) Data Warehouse
4 2 (11.76%) Power BI
5 1 (5.88%) Azure SQL Data Warehouse
5 1 (5.88%) Microsoft Analysis Services
5 1 (5.88%) NoSQL
5 1 (5.88%) SQL Server Analysis Services
1 3 (17.65%) Finance
1 3 (17.65%) Marketing
2 2 (11.76%) Manufacturing
2 2 (11.76%) Retail
3 1 (5.88%) Influencing Skills
3 1 (5.88%) Social Skills
Job Titles
1 11 (64.71%) Architect
2 8 (47.06%) Data Architect
3 4 (23.53%) Data Engineer
4 3 (17.65%) IT Architect
5 2 (11.76%) Azure Architect
5 2 (11.76%) Azure Data Architect
5 2 (11.76%) Business Intelligence Developer
5 2 (11.76%) Developer
5 2 (11.76%) Microsoft Solutions Architect
5 2 (11.76%) Solutions Architect
Libraries, Frameworks & Software Standards
1 2 (11.76%) Kafka
1 3 (17.65%) Freedom of Information
2 1 (5.88%) Greenfield Project
Processes & Methodologies
1 10 (58.82%) DevOps
2 9 (52.94%) CI/CD
3 7 (41.18%) Agile
3 7 (41.18%) Data Engineering
4 6 (35.29%) Data Modelling
4 6 (35.29%) Data Strategy
5 5 (29.41%) Analytics
5 5 (29.41%) Data Governance
5 5 (29.41%) Data Lineage
5 5 (29.41%) Data Management
5 5 (29.41%) Data Privacy
5 5 (29.41%) Data Protection
5 5 (29.41%) Database Optimisation
5 5 (29.41%) ETL
5 5 (29.41%) Fintech
5 5 (29.41%) Migration
5 5 (29.41%) Prototyping
5 5 (29.41%) Rapid Prototyping
5 5 (29.41%) Roadmaps
6 4 (23.53%) Software Engineering
Programming Languages
1 13 (76.47%) SQL
2 6 (35.29%) Python
3 2 (11.76%) Data Analysis Expressions
4 1 (5.88%) Kusto Query Language
Quality Assurance & Compliance
1 3 (17.65%) Cyber Essentials
1 3 (17.65%) GDPR
1 3 (17.65%) NCSC
1 3 (17.65%) NIST
System Software
1 2 (11.76%) Docker
Systems Management
1 2 (11.76%) Kubernetes
1 12 (70.59%) Microsoft
2 6 (35.29%) Databricks