Security Project Manager Contracts with Work from Home Options

Security Project Manager
UK > Work from Home

The median Security Project Manager daily rate for remote or hybrid work is £600, according to job vacancies posted in the 6 months leading up to 20 September 2024.

The table below provides contractor rate benchmarking and summary statistics, comparing them to the same period in the previous two years.

6 months to
20 Sep 2024
Same period 2023 Same period 2022
Rank 290 356 488
Rank change year-on-year +66 +132 +10
Contract jobs requiring a Security Project Manager 41 66 121
As % of all contract jobs with a WFH option 0.32% 0.32% 0.29%
As % of the Job Titles category 0.35% 0.34% 0.31%
Number of daily rates quoted 32 46 78
10th Percentile £514 £513 £424
25th Percentile £530 £538 £491
Median daily rate (50th Percentile) £600 £650 £550
Median % change year-on-year -7.69% +18.18% +5.26%
75th Percentile £675 £688 £628
90th Percentile £775 £823 £650
UK median daily rate £600 £600 £550
% change year-on-year - +9.09% +5.77%
Number of hourly rates quoted 0 1 1
10th Percentile - - -
25th Percentile - - £75.00
Median hourly rate - £56.50 £80.00
Median % change year-on-year - -29.38% -
75th Percentile - - £85.00
90th Percentile - - -
UK median hourly rate - £56.50 £80.00
% change year-on-year - -29.38% -

All Contract IT Job Vacancies
Work from Home

For comparison with the information above, the following table provides summary statistics for all contract IT job vacancies with WFH or hybrid options. Most job vacancies include a discernible job title that can be normalized. As such, the figures in the second row provide an indication of the number of contract jobs in our overall sample.

Contract vacancies in Work from Home with a recognized job title 11,837 19,218 39,626
% of contract IT jobs with a recognized job title 93.47% 94.61% 95.66%
Number of daily rates quoted 7,581 13,590 28,766
10th Percentile £325 £338 £363
25th Percentile £420 £425 £450
Median daily rate (50th Percentile) £525 £525 £550
Median % change year-on-year - -4.55% +10.00%
75th Percentile £638 £650 £650
90th Percentile £750 £745 £750
UK median daily rate £525 £530 £550
% change year-on-year -0.94% -3.64% +10.00%
Number of hourly rates quoted 291 441 504
10th Percentile £19.59 £16.98 £14.58
25th Percentile £31.38 £25.71 £25.00
Median hourly rate £45.00 £50.00 £49.50
Median % change year-on-year -10.00% +1.01% +111.95%
75th Percentile £67.26 £68.75 £65.44
90th Percentile £75.00 £79.19 £77.43
UK median hourly rate £43.00 £44.50 £26.00
% change year-on-year -3.37% +71.15% +30.00%

Security Project Manager
Trend for Jobs with a WFH Option

Job vacancies with a work from home option which featured Security Project Manager in the job title as a proportion of all IT jobs advertised.

Security Project Manager trend for jobs with a WFH option

Security Project Manager
Daily Rate Trend for Jobs with a WFH Option

3-month moving average daily rate quoted in job vacancies with a work from home option citing Security Project Manager.

Security Project Manager daily rate for jobs with a WFH option

Security Project Manager
Daily Rate Histogram for Jobs with a WFH Option

Daily rate distribution for jobs with a work from home option citing Security Project Manager over the 6 months to 20 September 2024.

Security Project Manager daily rate histogram for jobs with a WFH option

Security Project Manager
Hourly Rate Trend for Jobs with a WFH Option

3-month moving average hourly rate quoted in job vacancies with a work from home option citing Security Project Manager.

Security Project Manager hourly rate for jobs with a WFH option

Security Project Manager Skill Set
Top 30 Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities in Job Vacancies with WFH Options

For the 6 months to 20 September 2024, Security Project Manager contract job roles required the following skills and capabilities in order of popularity. The figures indicate the absolute number co-occurrences and as a proportion of all contract jobs with a WFH option featuring Security Project Manager in the job title.

1 23 (56.10%) Cybersecurity
2 17 (41.46%) Finance
3 11 (26.83%) Social Skills
4 10 (24.39%) Project Delivery
4 10 (24.39%) NIST
4 10 (24.39%) Identity Access Management
4 10 (24.39%) Project Management
5 8 (19.51%) Stakeholder Management
6 7 (17.07%) Microsoft Project
6 7 (17.07%) Agile
7 6 (14.63%) Microsoft
7 6 (14.63%) CyberArk
8 5 (12.20%) Problem-Solving
8 5 (12.20%) Banking
8 5 (12.20%) Azure
8 5 (12.20%) SIEM
9 4 (9.76%) Waterfall
9 4 (9.76%) ISO/IEC 27001
9 4 (9.76%) JIRA
9 4 (9.76%) Change Management
9 4 (9.76%) Disaster Recovery
9 4 (9.76%) Active Directory
9 4 (9.76%) Onboarding
9 4 (9.76%) Operational Technology
9 4 (9.76%) Privileged Access Management
10 3 (7.32%) Azure DevOps
10 3 (7.32%) Data Loss Prevention
10 3 (7.32%) DevOps
10 3 (7.32%) Project Governance
10 3 (7.32%) SailPoint

Security Project Manager Skill Set
Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities with WFH Options by Category

The follow tables expand on the table above by listing co-occurrences grouped by category. The same employment type, locality and period is covered with up to 20 co-occurrences shown in each of the following categories:

Application Platforms
1 3 (7.32%) MS Project Server
1 7 (17.07%) Microsoft Project
2 3 (7.32%) Microsoft Excel
2 3 (7.32%) Microsoft Office
Business Applications
1 3 (7.32%) SAP HR
Cloud Services
1 5 (12.20%) Azure
2 3 (7.32%) Azure DevOps
3 1 (2.44%) Microsoft 365
Communications & Networking
1 3 (7.32%) Network Security
Development Applications
1 4 (9.76%) JIRA
1 17 (41.46%) Finance
2 11 (26.83%) Social Skills
3 5 (12.20%) Banking
4 3 (7.32%) Documentation Skills
5 2 (4.88%) Organisational Skills
6 1 (2.44%) Influencing Skills
6 1 (2.44%) Legal
6 1 (2.44%) Manufacturing
6 1 (2.44%) Presentation Skills
6 1 (2.44%) Public Sector
6 1 (2.44%) Retail
6 1 (2.44%) Retail Banking
6 1 (2.44%) Telecoms
Libraries, Frameworks & Software Standards
1 3 (7.32%) SailPoint
2 1 (2.44%) SAML
1 4 (9.76%) Onboarding
1 4 (9.76%) Operational Technology
2 2 (4.88%) Security Posture
3 1 (2.44%) CMDB
Operating Systems
1 3 (7.32%) Linux
1 3 (7.32%) Unix
Processes & Methodologies
1 23 (56.10%) Cybersecurity
2 10 (24.39%) Identity Access Management
2 10 (24.39%) Project Delivery
2 10 (24.39%) Project Management
3 8 (19.51%) Stakeholder Management
4 7 (17.07%) Agile
5 5 (12.20%) Problem-Solving
5 5 (12.20%) SIEM
6 4 (9.76%) Change Management
6 4 (9.76%) Disaster Recovery
6 4 (9.76%) Privileged Access Management
6 4 (9.76%) Waterfall
7 3 (7.32%) Business Case
7 3 (7.32%) Cloud Security
7 3 (7.32%) Data Loss Prevention
7 3 (7.32%) DevOps
7 3 (7.32%) Programme Management
7 3 (7.32%) Project Governance
7 3 (7.32%) Service Management
7 3 (7.32%) Zero Trust
1 1 (2.44%) CISSP
1 1 (2.44%) PMI Certification
1 1 (2.44%) PMP
Quality Assurance & Compliance
1 10 (24.39%) NIST
2 4 (9.76%) ISO/IEC 27001
3 1 (2.44%) NCSC
3 1 (2.44%) NIST 800
System Software
1 4 (9.76%) Active Directory
Systems Management
1 1 (2.44%) Single Sign-On
1 6 (14.63%) CyberArk
1 6 (14.63%) Microsoft
2 3 (7.32%) Okta
2 3 (7.32%) SAP
2 3 (7.32%) Workday
3 1 (2.44%) ServiceNow