Cybersecurity Jobs in Wales

UK > Wales

The table below provides summary statistics for permanent job vacancies advertised in Wales requiring Cybersecurity skills. It includes a benchmarking guide to the annual salaries offered in vacancies that cited Cybersecurity over the 6 months leading up to 26 October 2024, comparing them to the same period in the previous two years.

6 months to
26 Oct 2024
Same period 2023 Same period 2022
Rank 40 31 12
Rank change year-on-year -9 -19 +69
Permanent jobs citing Cybersecurity 52 103 225
As % of all permanent jobs advertised in Wales 3.67% 7.91% 12.89%
As % of the Processes & Methodologies category 5.02% 8.17% 13.26%
Number of salaries quoted 30 30 68
10th Percentile £34,000 £35,000 £35,000
25th Percentile £36,250 £41,250 £36,607
Median annual salary (50th Percentile) £46,592 £47,500 £55,911
Median % change year-on-year -1.91% -15.04% +30.78%
75th Percentile £53,866 £71,875 £72,500
90th Percentile £75,480 £76,250 £79,125
UK median annual salary £60,000 £62,500 £65,000
% change year-on-year -4.00% -3.85% +4.00%

All Process and Methodology Skills

Cybersecurity falls under the Processes and Methodologies category. For comparison with the information above, the following table provides summary statistics for all permanent job vacancies requiring process or methodology skills in Wales.

Permanent vacancies with a requirement for process or methodology skills 1,035 1,260 1,697
As % of all permanent jobs advertised in Wales 73.04% 96.77% 97.19%
Number of salaries quoted 491 724 1,002
10th Percentile £30,000 £27,075 £31,275
25th Percentile £35,000 £35,000 £37,813
Median annual salary (50th Percentile) £47,307 £46,210 £50,000
Median % change year-on-year +2.38% -7.58% +11.11%
75th Percentile £64,017 £61,250 £62,400
90th Percentile £74,144 £72,500 £72,500
UK median annual salary £60,000 £60,000 £60,000
% change year-on-year - - +4.35%

Job Vacancy Trend in Wales

Job postings citing Cybersecurity as a proportion of all IT jobs advertised in Wales.

Job vacancy trend for Cybersecurity in Wales

Salary Trend in Wales

3-month moving average salary quoted in jobs citing Cybersecurity in Wales.

Salary trend for Cybersecurity in Wales

Salary Histogram in Wales

Salary distribution for jobs citing Cybersecurity in Wales over the 6 months to 26 October 2024.

Salary histogram for Cybersecurity in Wales

Job Locations in Wales

The table below looks at the demand and provides a guide to the median salaries quoted in IT jobs citing Cybersecurity within the Wales region over the 6 months to 26 October 2024. The 'Rank Change' column provides an indication of the change in demand within each location based on the same 6 month period last year.

Location Rank Change
on Same Period
Last Year
IT Job Ads
Median Salary
Past 6 Months
Median Salary
% Change
on Same Period
Last Year
South Wales -7 29 £50,309 +5.91% 23
West Wales +26 15 £37,500 +29.31% 6
North Wales -9 8 £46,342 -7.32% 3

Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities in Wales by Category

The follow tables expand on the table above by listing co-occurrences grouped by category. The same employment type, locality and period is covered with up to 20 co-occurrences shown in each of the following categories:

Application Platforms
1 4 (7.69%) SharePoint
2 1 (1.92%) CMS
2 1 (1.92%) Confluence
1 1 (1.92%) Microsoft Office
Cloud Services
1 15 (28.85%) Azure
2 7 (13.46%) AWS
3 5 (9.62%) IaaS
3 5 (9.62%) Microsoft 365
3 5 (9.62%) SaaS
3 5 (9.62%) Slack
4 4 (7.69%) dbt
4 4 (7.69%) Entra ID
4 4 (7.69%) GCP
5 3 (5.77%) Amazon CloudWatch
5 3 (5.77%) Amazon GuardDuty
5 3 (5.77%) AWS CloudTrail
5 3 (5.77%) Azure Sentinel
5 3 (5.77%) Cloud Computing
6 1 (1.92%) AWS CloudFormation
6 1 (1.92%) Azure DevOps
6 1 (1.92%) GitHub
6 1 (1.92%) OpenShift
6 1 (1.92%) WhatsApp
Communications & Networking
1 7 (13.46%) Network Security
1 7 (13.46%) Wireless
2 6 (11.54%) Internet
3 5 (9.62%) Firewall
4 4 (7.69%) LAN
4 4 (7.69%) WAN
5 3 (5.77%) Wi-Fi
6 2 (3.85%) TCP/IP
6 2 (3.85%) VLAN
7 1 (1.92%) NAS
7 1 (1.92%) SAN
7 1 (1.92%) VoIP
7 1 (1.92%) VPN
Database & Business Intelligence
1 1 (1.92%) MongoDB
1 1 (1.92%) Relational Database
1 1 (1.92%) SQL Server
Development Applications
1 1 (1.92%) GitLab
1 1 (1.92%) Jenkins
1 1 (1.92%) JIRA
1 1 (1.92%) Visual Studio
1 16 (30.77%) Social Skills
2 6 (11.54%) Digital Health
2 6 (11.54%) Presentation Skills
2 6 (11.54%) Public Sector
3 5 (9.62%) Digital Healthcare
4 4 (7.69%) Inclusion and Diversity
4 4 (7.69%) Manufacturing
4 4 (7.69%) Organisational Skills
5 2 (3.85%) Aerospace
5 2 (3.85%) Analytical Skills
5 2 (3.85%) Finance
5 2 (3.85%) Marketing
6 1 (1.92%) Electronics
6 1 (1.92%) Legal
6 1 (1.92%) Telecoms
Job Titles
1 10 (19.23%) Lead
2 9 (17.31%) Senior
3 7 (13.46%) IT Manager
4 6 (11.54%) Operations Technician
5 5 (9.62%) Head of IT
5 5 (9.62%) Senior Data Warehouse Specialist
6 4 (7.69%) Security Engineer
6 4 (7.69%) Service Manager
6 4 (7.69%) Systems Engineer
7 3 (5.77%) Architect
7 3 (5.77%) Cybersecurity Engineer
7 3 (5.77%) IT Services Manager
8 2 (3.85%) Delivery Manager
8 2 (3.85%) Security Researcher
8 2 (3.85%) Senior UI Designer
8 2 (3.85%) Senior UI/UX Designer
8 2 (3.85%) Senior UX Designer
8 2 (3.85%) UI Designer
8 2 (3.85%) UI/UX Designer
8 2 (3.85%) UX Designer
Libraries, Frameworks & Software Standards
1 3 (5.77%) Django
2 1 (1.92%) .NET
2 1 (1.92%) CSS
2 1 (1.92%) HTML
2 1 (1.92%) Web Services
1 8 (15.38%) Driving Licence
2 4 (7.69%) Management Information System
3 3 (5.77%) Blog
3 3 (5.77%) Security Operations Centre
4 2 (3.85%) Cyber Threat
4 2 (3.85%) Cyberattack
4 2 (3.85%) Social Media
5 1 (1.92%) Digital Media
5 1 (1.92%) FPGA
5 1 (1.92%) IoT
5 1 (1.92%) Mobile App
5 1 (1.92%) NHS
5 1 (1.92%) Onboarding
Operating Systems
1 6 (11.54%) Windows
2 4 (7.69%) Windows Server
3 2 (3.85%) Linux
4 1 (1.92%) VMS
4 1 (1.92%) Windows 10
Processes & Methodologies
1 10 (19.23%) Project Management
2 8 (15.38%) Agile
3 7 (13.46%) Roadmaps
4 6 (11.54%) Network Monitoring
4 6 (11.54%) Risk Management
4 6 (11.54%) Stakeholder Management
5 5 (9.62%) Line Management
5 5 (9.62%) Problem-Solving
5 5 (9.62%) SIEM
6 4 (7.69%) Continuous Improvement
6 4 (7.69%) Customer Service
6 4 (7.69%) Disaster Recovery
7 3 (5.77%) Cost-Benefit Analysis
7 3 (5.77%) CRM
7 3 (5.77%) Data Security
7 3 (5.77%) Information Security
7 3 (5.77%) ITSM
7 3 (5.77%) Migration
7 3 (5.77%) Service Management
7 3 (5.77%) UML
Programming Languages
1 6 (11.54%) Python
2 5 (9.62%) SQL
3 3 (5.77%) Kusto Query Language
3 3 (5.77%) MATLAB
4 2 (3.85%) Rust
5 1 (1.92%) C
5 1 (1.92%) C++
5 1 (1.92%) Java
5 1 (1.92%) JavaScript
5 1 (1.92%) PowerShell
5 1 (1.92%) TypeScript
5 1 (1.92%) VBA
1 8 (15.38%) Degree
2 7 (13.46%) Security Cleared
3 5 (9.62%) SC Cleared
4 2 (3.85%) CCNA
4 2 (3.85%) Cisco Certification
4 2 (3.85%) CISSP
4 2 (3.85%) Master's Degree
4 2 (3.85%) PhD
5 1 (1.92%) CISM
5 1 (1.92%) CompTIA Security+
5 1 (1.92%) PMP
Quality Assurance & Compliance
1 5 (9.62%) ISO/IEC 27001
2 3 (5.77%) COBIT
2 3 (5.77%) GDPR
2 3 (5.77%) HIPAA
2 3 (5.77%) PCI DSS
2 3 (5.77%) SLA
3 1 (1.92%) Cyber Essentials
3 1 (1.92%) GRC
3 1 (1.92%) IEC 62304
3 1 (1.92%) ISO 13485
3 1 (1.92%) NIST
System Software
1 7 (13.46%) Hyper-V
2 4 (7.69%) Active Directory
2 4 (7.69%) VMware Infrastructure
3 3 (5.77%) KVM
4 1 (1.92%) Docker
Systems Management
1 2 (3.85%) Ansible
2 1 (1.92%) Kubernetes
2 1 (1.92%) Microsoft Intune
2 1 (1.92%) Puppet
2 1 (1.92%) Terraform
1 11 (21.15%) Microsoft
2 4 (7.69%) Google
2 4 (7.69%) Splunk
2 4 (7.69%) VMware
3 3 (5.77%) Cisco
4 1 (1.92%) AlienVault
4 1 (1.92%) Aruba
4 1 (1.92%) HP
4 1 (1.92%) LogRhythm
4 1 (1.92%) Oracle