Data Engineer Contracts

Data Engineer

The median Data Engineer daily rate in the UK is £500, according to job vacancies posted in the 6 months leading up to 6 March 2025.

The table below provides contractor rate benchmarking and summary statistics, comparing them to the same period in the previous two years.

6 months to
6 Mar 2025
Same period 2024 Same period 2023
Rank 79 103 118
Rank change year-on-year +24 +15 -15
Contract jobs requiring a Data Engineer 940 965 1,428
As % of all contract jobs advertised in the UK 3.08% 2.17% 2.20%
As % of the Job Titles category 3.32% 2.34% 2.33%
Number of daily rates quoted 680 755 1,016
10th Percentile £358 £325 £413
25th Percentile £425 £425 £475
Median daily rate (50th Percentile) £500 £513 £550
Median % change year-on-year -2.44% -6.82% -
75th Percentile £600 £612 £650
90th Percentile £700 £688 £716
UK excluding London median daily rate £475 £475 £525
% change year-on-year - -9.52% +5.00%
Number of hourly rates quoted 13 33 12
10th Percentile £25.12 £36.00 £35.00
25th Percentile £26.25 £46.75 £35.75
Median hourly rate £42.50 £62.36 £63.25
Median % change year-on-year -31.84% -1.42% +30.41%
75th Percentile £77.50 £72.50 £70.00
90th Percentile £93.75 £80.00 £75.18
UK excluding London median hourly rate £26.50 £65.00 £62.50
% change year-on-year -59.23% +4.00% +90.84%

All Contract IT Job Vacancies

For comparison with the information above, the following table provides summary statistics for all contract IT job vacancies. Most job vacancies include a discernible job title that can be normalized. As such, the figures in the second row provide an indication of the number of contract jobs in our overall sample.

Contract vacancies in the UK with a recognized job title 28,287 41,260 61,414
% of contract IT jobs with a recognized job title 92.77% 92.95% 94.60%
Number of daily rates quoted 17,965 27,107 42,691
10th Percentile £291 £275 £311
25th Percentile £406 £406 £425
Median daily rate (50th Percentile) £525 £525 £550
Median % change year-on-year - -4.55% +4.76%
75th Percentile £638 £638 £650
90th Percentile £738 £738 £750
UK excluding London median daily rate £475 £488 £500
% change year-on-year -2.56% -2.50% +7.53%
Number of hourly rates quoted 853 2,419 1,650
10th Percentile £16.23 £13.05 £14.22
25th Percentile £21.43 £16.25 £18.43
Median hourly rate £34.00 £34.08 £40.54
Median % change year-on-year -0.23% -15.93% +84.26%
75th Percentile £64.52 £60.00 £65.00
90th Percentile £75.20 £71.90 £75.00
UK excluding London median hourly rate £32.50 £35.00 £39.55
% change year-on-year -7.14% -11.50% +111.58%

Data Engineer
Job Vacancy Trend

Job postings that featured Data Engineer in the job title as a proportion of all IT jobs advertised.

Job vacancy trend for Data Engineer in the UK

Data Engineer
Contractor Daily Rate Trend

3-month moving average daily rate quoted in jobs citing Data Engineer.

Daily rate trend for Data Engineer in the UK

Data Engineer
Daily Rate Histogram

Daily rate distribution for jobs citing Data Engineer over the 6 months to 6 March 2025.

Daily rate histogram for Data Engineer in the UK

Data Engineer
Contractor Hourly Rate Trend

3-month moving average hourly rates quoted in jobs citing Data Engineer.

Hourly rate trend for Data Engineer in the UK

Data Engineer
Hourly Rate Histogram

Hourly rate distribution of jobs citing Data Engineer over the 6 months to 6 March 2025.

Hourly rate histogram for Data Engineer in the UK

Data Engineer
Top 17 Contract Locations

The table below looks at the demand and provides a guide to the median contractor rates quoted in IT jobs citing Data Engineer within the UK over the 6 months to 6 March 2025. The 'Rank Change' column provides an indication of the change in demand within each location based on the same 6 month period last year.

Location Rank Change
on Same Period
Last Year
IT Job Ads
Daily Rate
Past 6 Months
Median Daily Rate
% Change
on Same Period
Last Year
England +25 800 £521 -0.71% 424
London +18 491 £550 +4.76% 192
Work from Home +26 343 £525 - 307
UK excluding London +65 337 £475 - 251
North of England +31 89 £463 -2.63% 105
Midlands +48 72 £475 -6.17% 42
West Midlands +46 62 £489 -6.86% 28
North West +29 59 £444 -0.28% 63
South East +44 54 £488 -7.14% 42
Scotland +30 51 £438 -4.16% 15
South West +16 33 £500 -2.44% 28
East of England +26 23 £318 +6.00% 18
Wales +14 23 £500 +150.63% 4
Yorkshire +1 15 £500 +5.26% 32
North East -2 15 £525 +16.41% 11
East Midlands +11 10 £375 -25.00% 13
Channel Islands - 1 - -

Data Engineer Skill Set
Top 30 Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities

For the 6 months to 6 March 2025, Data Engineer contract job roles required the following skills and capabilities in order of popularity. The figures indicate the absolute number co-occurrences and as a proportion of all contract job ads featuring Data Engineer in the job title.

1 586 (62.34%) Python
2 522 (55.53%) SQL
3 352 (37.45%) Azure
4 348 (37.02%) AWS
5 335 (35.64%) ETL
6 314 (33.40%) Data Pipeline
7 290 (30.85%) Data Engineering
8 236 (25.11%) Analytics
9 216 (22.98%) CI/CD
10 211 (22.45%) Security Cleared
11 209 (22.23%) Data Modelling
12 207 (22.02%) Databricks
13 196 (20.85%) Data Warehouse
14 189 (20.11%) PySpark
15 188 (20.00%) Finance
16 182 (19.36%) SC Cleared
17 164 (17.45%) Agile
18 156 (16.60%) Problem-Solving
19 154 (16.38%) Social Skills
20 151 (16.06%) DevOps
21 150 (15.96%) Data Quality
22 137 (14.57%) dbt
23 133 (14.15%) Apache Airflow
24 130 (13.83%) Azure Data Factory
24 130 (13.83%) Java
25 129 (13.72%) Business Intelligence
26 123 (13.09%) Data Lake
27 120 (12.77%) Data Integration
28 117 (12.45%) Analytical Skills
29 116 (12.34%) Power Platform

Data Engineer Skill Set
Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities by Category

The follow tables expand on the table above by listing co-occurrences grouped by category. The same employment type, locality and period is covered with up to 20 co-occurrences shown in each of the following categories:

Application Platforms
1 133 (14.15%) Apache Airflow
2 113 (12.02%) Apache Spark
3 106 (11.28%) Apache
4 20 (2.13%) Confluence
5 13 (1.38%) SAS
6 9 (0.96%) SharePoint
7 7 (0.74%) Jupyter
8 3 (0.32%) R Markdown
9 2 (0.21%) Cloud Foundry
9 2 (0.21%) IBM Domino
9 2 (0.21%) Oracle Workflow
10 1 (0.11%) Anypoint
10 1 (0.11%) ArcGIS
10 1 (0.11%) Drupal
10 1 (0.11%) Luigi
10 1 (0.11%) Mule
1 9 (0.96%) Microsoft Excel
2 4 (0.43%) Spreadsheet
3 2 (0.21%) Microsoft PowerPoint
4 1 (0.11%) AutoCAD
4 1 (0.11%) CATIA
Business Applications
1 6 (0.64%) Oracle EBS
2 4 (0.43%) SAP BPC
3 2 (0.21%) Maximo
4 1 (0.11%) Dynamics CRM
4 1 (0.11%) Payment Gateway
4 1 (0.11%) SAP CAR
4 1 (0.11%) SAP EWM
4 1 (0.11%) Sparx Enterprise Architect
Cloud Services
1 352 (37.45%) Azure
2 348 (37.02%) AWS
3 137 (14.57%) dbt
4 130 (13.83%) Azure Data Factory
5 116 (12.34%) Power Platform
6 110 (11.70%) Serverless
7 109 (11.60%) Snowflake
8 99 (10.53%) AWS Lambda
9 98 (10.43%) GCP
10 91 (9.68%) Amazon S3
11 73 (7.77%) Azure Synapse Analytics
12 59 (6.28%) GitHub
13 36 (3.83%) OpenShift
14 32 (3.40%) Amazon ECS
15 31 (3.30%) Azure DevOps
16 25 (2.66%) AWS CloudFormation
17 24 (2.55%) AWS Step Functions
18 21 (2.23%) Amazon EC2
19 20 (2.13%) Amazon EMR
19 20 (2.13%) GitHub Actions
Communications & Networking
1 10 (1.06%) Structured Cabling
2 5 (0.53%) SMS
3 3 (0.32%) BGP
3 3 (0.32%) Network Security
3 3 (0.32%) Wireless
4 2 (0.21%) Cisco ISE
4 2 (0.21%) Cisco Nexus
4 2 (0.21%) DHCP
4 2 (0.21%) EIGRP
4 2 (0.21%) Firewall
4 2 (0.21%) LAN
4 2 (0.21%) OSPF
4 2 (0.21%) SSH
4 2 (0.21%) VPN
4 2 (0.21%) VXLAN
4 2 (0.21%) WAN
5 1 (0.11%) DNS
5 1 (0.11%) FTP
5 1 (0.11%) NGFW
5 1 (0.11%) SD-WAN
Database & Business Intelligence
1 196 (20.85%) Data Warehouse
2 123 (13.09%) Data Lake
3 114 (12.13%) Power BI
4 86 (9.15%) Amazon Athena
5 74 (7.87%) Big Data
6 60 (6.38%) Amazon Redshift
7 51 (5.43%) PostgreSQL
7 51 (5.43%) SQL Server
8 48 (5.11%) Apache Iceberg
9 44 (4.68%) Dremio
9 44 (4.68%) Relational Database
10 43 (4.57%) BigQuery
11 42 (4.47%) Tableau
12 41 (4.36%) Amazon RDS
13 38 (4.04%) Azure SQL Database
14 36 (3.83%) Hadoop
15 34 (3.62%) NoSQL
16 28 (2.98%) Apache Arrow
16 28 (2.98%) Apache Ignite
17 27 (2.87%) Metadata
Development Applications
1 67 (7.13%) Git
2 34 (3.62%) GitLab
3 31 (3.30%) JIRA
4 30 (3.19%) Artifactory
5 21 (2.23%) Jenkins
6 10 (1.06%) Bitbucket
7 6 (0.64%) MLflow
8 3 (0.32%) Atlassian Bamboo
8 3 (0.32%) SpecFlow
8 3 (0.32%) Visual Studio
9 2 (0.21%) Flyway
9 2 (0.21%) Liquibase
9 2 (0.21%) RStudio
9 2 (0.21%) SonarQube
10 1 (0.11%) Deequ
10 1 (0.11%) Eclipse
10 1 (0.11%) IntelliJ
10 1 (0.11%) PEAR
10 1 (0.11%) Team Foundation Server
10 1 (0.11%) Terragrunt
1 188 (20.00%) Finance
2 154 (16.38%) Social Skills
3 117 (12.45%) Analytical Skills
4 97 (10.32%) Public Sector
5 67 (7.13%) Banking
6 54 (5.74%) Front Office
7 23 (2.45%) Retail
8 20 (2.13%) Investment Banking
9 16 (1.70%) Telecoms
10 13 (1.38%) Marketing
11 12 (1.28%) Manufacturing
12 10 (1.06%) Retail Banking
13 9 (0.96%) Pharmaceutical
14 8 (0.85%) Financial Institution
14 8 (0.85%) Law
15 7 (0.74%) Documentation Skills
15 7 (0.74%) Inclusion and Diversity
16 6 (0.64%) Automotive
16 6 (0.64%) Electronics
16 6 (0.64%) Presentation Skills
Libraries, Frameworks & Software Standards
1 189 (20.11%) PySpark
2 111 (11.81%) Kafka
3 39 (4.15%) Pandas
4 28 (2.98%) J2EE
5 26 (2.77%) REST
6 23 (2.45%) NumPy
7 22 (2.34%) React
8 18 (1.91%) JSON
9 16 (1.70%) SciPy
10 15 (1.60%) Jinja
11 10 (1.06%) Plotly
12 9 (0.96%) Apache NiFi
12 9 (0.96%) AWS CDK
12 9 (0.96%) pytest
12 9 (0.96%) Spring
13 8 (0.85%) AngularJS
14 7 (0.74%) FHIR
14 7 (0.74%) Spring Boot
15 6 (0.64%) Flask
15 6 (0.64%) Regular Expression
1 38 (4.04%) Data Structures
2 26 (2.77%) Legacy Systems
3 25 (2.66%) Onboarding
4 23 (2.45%) Cloud Native
5 17 (1.81%) Data Centre
5 17 (1.81%) Greenfield Project
6 12 (1.28%) Data Protection Act
7 11 (1.17%) Algorithms
7 11 (1.17%) Product Ownership
8 10 (1.06%) Distributed Systems
8 10 (1.06%) Fibre Optics
9 9 (0.96%) Smartphone
10 8 (0.85%) Renewable Energy
11 7 (0.74%) Management Information System
11 7 (0.74%) NHS
12 6 (0.64%) Hybrid Cloud
13 5 (0.53%) Hedge funds
13 5 (0.53%) Life Science
13 5 (0.53%) Reference Data
13 5 (0.53%) Self-Motivation
Operating Systems
1 18 (1.91%) Linux
2 17 (1.81%) Unix
3 1 (0.11%) Windows
3 1 (0.11%) Windows Server
Processes & Methodologies
1 335 (35.64%) ETL
2 314 (33.40%) Data Pipeline
3 290 (30.85%) Data Engineering
4 236 (25.11%) Analytics
5 216 (22.98%) CI/CD
6 209 (22.23%) Data Modelling
7 164 (17.45%) Agile
8 156 (16.60%) Problem-Solving
9 151 (16.06%) DevOps
10 129 (13.72%) Business Intelligence
11 120 (12.77%) Data Integration
12 112 (11.91%) Migration
13 104 (11.06%) Data Science
14 90 (9.57%) Machine Learning
15 87 (9.26%) Data Governance
15 87 (9.26%) Data Transformation
16 80 (8.51%) Data Migration
17 79 (8.40%) Software Engineering
18 77 (8.19%) Visualisation
19 65 (6.91%) Data Ingestion
Programming Languages
1 586 (62.34%) Python
2 522 (55.53%) SQL
3 130 (13.83%) Java
4 48 (5.11%) Scala
5 34 (3.62%) PL/SQL
6 28 (2.98%) Go
7 25 (2.66%) T-SQL
8 22 (2.34%) JavaScript
9 19 (2.02%) R
10 17 (1.81%) Shell Script
11 16 (1.70%) Bash
12 11 (1.17%) PowerShell
13 10 (1.06%) Data Analysis Expressions
13 10 (1.06%) TypeScript
14 8 (0.85%) C#
15 6 (0.64%) HiveQL
16 5 (0.53%) SPARQL
17 4 (0.43%) ANSI SQL
18 3 (0.32%) Ruby
18 3 (0.32%) VBA
1 211 (22.45%) Security Cleared
2 182 (19.36%) SC Cleared
3 52 (5.53%) Degree
4 32 (3.40%) Computer Science Degree
5 28 (2.98%) DV Cleared
6 17 (1.81%) AWS Certification
7 12 (1.28%) Azure Certification
8 9 (0.96%) AWS Certified Solutions Architect
9 6 (0.64%) BPSS Clearance
9 6 (0.64%) Master's Degree
9 6 (0.64%) Microsoft Certification
10 2 (0.21%) CTC Cleared
11 1 (0.11%) Cisco Certification
11 1 (0.11%) DBS Check
11 1 (0.11%) ITIL Certification
11 1 (0.11%) SnowPro
Quality Assurance & Compliance
1 150 (15.96%) Data Quality
2 24 (2.55%) GDPR
3 23 (2.45%) QA
4 18 (1.91%) Accessibility
5 5 (0.53%) HIPAA
5 5 (0.53%) SLA
6 4 (0.43%) Disclosure Scotland
7 3 (0.32%) WCAG
8 2 (0.21%) GxP
8 2 (0.21%) ISO/IEC 27001
9 1 (0.11%) HL7
9 1 (0.11%) MiFID
9 1 (0.11%) NIST
9 1 (0.11%) Sarbanes-Oxley
System Software
1 71 (7.55%) Docker
2 11 (1.17%) HDFS
3 2 (0.21%) Virtual Machines
4 1 (0.11%) LXC
Systems Management
1 101 (10.74%) Terraform
2 83 (8.83%) Kubernetes
3 14 (1.49%) Ansible
4 13 (1.38%) Grafana
5 5 (0.53%) Kibana
5 5 (0.53%) logstash
6 3 (0.32%) NetBackup
6 3 (0.32%) Oozie
7 2 (0.21%) Kubeflow
7 2 (0.21%) Puppet
8 1 (0.11%) Control-M
8 1 (0.11%) Oracle RMAN
8 1 (0.11%) Prometheus
1 207 (22.02%) Databricks
2 76 (8.09%) Microsoft
3 52 (5.53%) Oracle
4 43 (4.57%) Google
5 36 (3.83%) Informatica
6 18 (1.91%) SAP
7 15 (1.60%) Talend
8 13 (1.38%) Palantir
9 10 (1.06%) Denodo
9 10 (1.06%) Virgin Media
10 9 (0.96%) Cloudera
11 8 (0.85%) IBM
11 8 (0.85%) ServiceNow
12 7 (0.74%) Atlassian
12 7 (0.74%) Commvault
13 6 (0.64%) Alteryx
14 5 (0.53%) Cisco
14 5 (0.53%) Foundry
14 5 (0.53%) New Relic
14 5 (0.53%) Splunk