PostgreSQL Jobs in London

PostgreSQL (Postgres)
England > London

The table below provides summary statistics for permanent job vacancies advertised in London requiring PostgreSQL skills. It includes a benchmarking guide to the annual salaries offered in vacancies that cited PostgreSQL over the 6 months leading up to 18 February 2025, comparing them to the same period in the previous two years.

6 months to
18 Feb 2025
Same period 2024 Same period 2023
Rank 102 127 143
Rank change year-on-year +25 +16 -75
Permanent jobs citing PostgreSQL 516 520 989
As % of all permanent jobs advertised in London 3.27% 2.44% 2.46%
As % of the Database & Business Intelligence category 13.86% 11.38% 9.73%
Number of salaries quoted 275 442 657
10th Percentile £57,500 £53,750 £50,000
25th Percentile £68,750 £60,000 £65,000
Median annual salary (50th Percentile) £87,500 £77,819 £82,500
Median % change year-on-year +12.44% -5.67% +6.45%
75th Percentile £115,000 £97,290 £100,000
90th Percentile £138,750 £115,000 £117,500
England median annual salary £80,000 £65,000 £72,500
% change year-on-year +23.08% -10.34% +11.54%

All Database and Business Intelligence Skills

PostgreSQL falls under the Databases and Business Intelligence category. For comparison with the information above, the following table provides summary statistics for all permanent job vacancies requiring database or business intelligence skills in London.

Permanent vacancies with a requirement for database or business intelligence skills 3,722 4,569 10,164
As % of all permanent jobs advertised in London 23.56% 21.42% 25.29%
Number of salaries quoted 2,076 3,608 6,927
10th Percentile £52,500 £47,500 £46,250
25th Percentile £62,500 £55,000 £57,500
Median annual salary (50th Percentile) £85,000 £72,500 £75,000
Median % change year-on-year +17.24% -3.33% +7.14%
75th Percentile £115,000 £93,750 £95,000
90th Percentile £137,500 £115,000 £115,000
England median annual salary £65,000 £57,500 £65,000
% change year-on-year +13.04% -11.54% +8.33%

Job Vacancy Trend in London

Job postings citing PostgreSQL as a proportion of all IT jobs advertised in London.

Job vacancy trend for PostgreSQL in London

Salary Trend in London

3-month moving average salary quoted in jobs citing PostgreSQL in London.

Salary trend for PostgreSQL in London

Salary Histogram in London

Salary distribution for jobs citing PostgreSQL in London over the 6 months to 18 February 2025.

Salary histogram for PostgreSQL in London

Job Locations in London

The table below looks at the demand and provides a guide to the median salaries quoted in IT jobs citing PostgreSQL within the London region over the 6 months to 18 February 2025. The 'Rank Change' column provides an indication of the change in demand within each location based on the same 6 month period last year.

Location Rank Change
on Same Period
Last Year
IT Job Ads
Median Salary
Past 6 Months
Median Salary
% Change
on Same Period
Last Year
Central London -11 102 £87,500 +9.38% 15
South London +17 86 £62,500 -24.24%
West London +10 20 £66,000 +20.00% 3
North London - 14 £80,000 -
East London -4 6 - - 4

Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities in London by Category

The follow tables expand on the table above by listing co-occurrences grouped by category. The same employment type, locality and period is covered with up to 20 co-occurrences shown in each of the following categories:

Application Platforms
1 12 (2.33%) JBoss
1 12 (2.33%) Red Hat Fuse
2 10 (1.94%) Apache Spark
2 10 (1.94%) OpenStack
3 9 (1.74%) Apache Airflow
4 6 (1.16%) Confluence
4 6 (1.16%) SharePoint
5 2 (0.39%) CMS
5 2 (0.39%) Microsoft Exchange
5 2 (0.39%) nginx
6 1 (0.19%) Apache
6 1 (0.19%) Jupyter
6 1 (0.19%) SAS
1 1 (0.19%) Microsoft Excel
1 1 (0.19%) Microsoft Office
Business Applications
1 5 (0.97%) Odoo
Cloud Services
1 357 (69.19%) AWS
2 158 (30.62%) Serverless
3 125 (24.22%) GitHub
4 122 (23.64%) AWS Lambda
5 113 (21.90%) Amazon S3
6 104 (20.16%) GCP
7 102 (19.77%) Amazon SQS
8 88 (17.05%) Amazon Kinesis
9 76 (14.73%) Azure
10 43 (8.33%) Amazon ECS
11 38 (7.36%) Amazon EKS
12 35 (6.78%) Amazon EC2
13 32 (6.20%) SaaS
14 19 (3.68%) Power Platform
15 18 (3.49%) GitHub Actions
16 11 (2.13%) AWS CloudFormation
16 11 (2.13%) PaaS
17 9 (1.74%) Azure Cosmos DB
18 8 (1.55%) dbt
19 6 (1.16%) Azure AKS
Communications & Networking
1 17 (3.29%) HTTP
2 6 (1.16%) Bluetooth
2 6 (1.16%) VPN
3 5 (0.97%) DNS
3 5 (0.97%) Internet
4 4 (0.78%) MQTT
4 4 (0.78%) SMS
4 4 (0.78%) TCP/IP
5 3 (0.58%) Firewall
5 3 (0.58%) SAN
6 2 (0.39%) DHCP
6 2 (0.39%) FTP
6 2 (0.39%) LAN
6 2 (0.39%) Wi-Fi
6 2 (0.39%) Wireless
7 1 (0.19%) Intrusion Detection
7 1 (0.19%) OpenVPN
7 1 (0.19%) SSH
Database & Business Intelligence
1 107 (20.74%) Redis
2 106 (20.54%) DynamoDB
3 99 (19.19%) MongoDB
4 74 (14.34%) Relational Database
5 63 (12.21%) MySQL
6 40 (7.75%) SQL Server
7 32 (6.20%) NoSQL
8 30 (5.81%) Amazon RDS
9 25 (4.84%) RDBMS
10 19 (3.68%) Power BI
11 18 (3.49%) Data Warehouse
12 12 (2.33%) Elasticsearch
13 11 (2.13%) Amazon Redshift
13 11 (2.13%) Azure SQL Database
14 10 (1.94%) Metadata
15 7 (1.36%) Amazon Aurora
15 7 (1.36%) Data Lake
16 6 (1.16%) Apache Cassandra
16 6 (1.16%) MariaDB
17 5 (0.97%) Oracle Database
Development Applications
1 140 (27.13%) Jenkins
2 73 (14.15%) Git
3 33 (6.40%) JUnit
4 30 (5.81%) GitLab
5 17 (3.29%) Mockito
6 15 (2.91%) Maven
7 12 (2.33%) JMeter
8 10 (1.94%) Gradle
8 10 (1.94%) JIRA
9 9 (1.74%)
9 9 (1.74%) IntelliJ
10 6 (1.16%) Octopus Deploy
11 5 (0.97%) SonarQube
12 4 (0.78%) Bitbucket
12 4 (0.78%) DbUnit
12 4 (0.78%) jMock
12 4 (0.78%) Liquibase
13 3 (0.58%) NUnit
13 3 (0.58%) Subversion
13 3 (0.58%) TeamCity
1 142 (27.52%) Finance
2 105 (20.35%) Inclusion and Diversity
2 105 (20.35%) Marketing
3 93 (18.02%) Social Skills
4 90 (17.44%) Advertising
5 75 (14.53%) Front Office
6 40 (7.75%) Public Sector
7 25 (4.84%) Analytical Skills
8 17 (3.29%) Games
9 13 (2.52%) Banking
10 11 (2.13%) Organisational Skills
11 9 (1.74%) Legal
12 8 (1.55%) Pharmaceutical
12 8 (1.55%) Retail Banking
12 8 (1.55%) Tech for Good
13 6 (1.16%) Manufacturing
14 5 (0.97%) Electronics
14 5 (0.97%) Telecoms
15 4 (0.78%) Presentation Skills
16 3 (0.58%) Law
Job Titles
1 192 (37.21%) Software Engineer
2 173 (33.53%) Developer
3 82 (15.89%) Senior
4 54 (10.47%) Developer/Software Engineer
4 54 (10.47%) React Developer
5 47 (9.11%) UI Developer
5 47 (9.11%) UI Engineer
6 39 (7.56%) Java Developer
7 35 (6.78%) Full-Stack Developer
8 34 (6.59%) Lead
9 29 (5.62%) Python Developer
10 27 (5.23%) Senior Developer
11 24 (4.65%) Senior Software Engineer
12 23 (4.46%) Full-Stack Engineer
13 18 (3.49%) Architect
13 18 (3.49%) DevOps Engineer
14 17 (3.29%) Front-End Engineer (Client-Side Engineer)
15 14 (2.71%) Data Architect
15 14 (2.71%) Python Engineer
15 14 (2.71%) Support Engineer
Libraries, Frameworks & Software Standards
1 285 (55.23%) React
2 202 (39.15%) Node.js
3 181 (35.08%) REST
4 119 (23.06%) AngularJS
5 89 (17.25%) Tailwind CSS
6 59 (11.43%) Spring
7 57 (11.05%) Redux
8 53 (10.27%) Django
8 53 (10.27%) RESTful
9 52 (10.08%) Kafka
10 50 (9.69%) Next.js
11 43 (8.33%) HTML
11 43 (8.33%) Spring Boot
12 36 (6.98%) Web Services
13 32 (6.20%) GraphQL
14 30 (5.81%) CSS
15 24 (4.65%) .NET
15 24 (4.65%) Apache Camel
16 23 (4.46%) Elastic Stack
17 21 (4.07%) Flask
1 88 (17.05%) Blog
1 88 (17.05%) Digital Media
2 55 (10.66%) Fixed Income
3 50 (9.69%) Distributed Systems
4 24 (4.65%) Cloud Native
5 13 (2.52%) Algorithms
5 13 (2.52%) Legacy Systems
6 10 (1.94%) Data Fabric
6 10 (1.94%) IoT
7 9 (1.74%) Hedge funds
7 9 (1.74%) Mobile App
8 8 (1.55%) Management Information System
9 7 (1.36%) Data Structures
10 6 (1.16%) Client/Server
10 6 (1.16%) Embedded Systems
10 6 (1.16%) Mobile Games
10 6 (1.16%) Private Cloud
11 5 (0.97%) Onboarding
12 4 (0.78%) Distributed Computing
12 4 (0.78%) Educational Technology
Operating Systems
1 48 (9.30%) Linux
2 13 (2.52%) Unix
3 10 (1.94%) Windows
4 6 (1.16%) Ubuntu
5 4 (0.78%) Android
6 3 (0.58%) Windows Server
7 1 (0.19%) AIX
7 1 (0.19%) Apple iOS
Processes & Methodologies
1 270 (52.33%) Software Engineering
2 268 (51.94%) Agile
3 176 (34.11%) Full-Stack Development
4 151 (29.26%) User Experience
5 138 (26.74%) Scrum
6 123 (23.84%) CI/CD
7 115 (22.29%) Problem-Solving
8 95 (18.41%) Continuous Delivery
9 93 (18.02%) E-Commerce
10 89 (17.25%) DevOps
11 88 (17.05%) Epics
12 84 (16.28%) Microservices
13 82 (15.89%) Fintech
14 68 (13.18%) Roadmaps
15 62 (12.02%) TDD
16 57 (11.05%) Asset Management
17 56 (10.85%) Investment Management
17 56 (10.85%) Visualisation
18 53 (10.27%) Computer Science
19 49 (9.50%) Mentoring
Programming Languages
1 248 (48.06%) Python
2 244 (47.29%) TypeScript
3 144 (27.91%) JavaScript
4 123 (23.84%) SQL
5 102 (19.77%) Java
6 27 (5.23%) C#
7 19 (3.68%) Go
8 18 (3.49%) PowerShell
9 16 (3.10%) Shell Script
10 10 (1.94%) C
10 10 (1.94%) Scala
11 9 (1.74%) Bash
11 9 (1.74%) C++
12 8 (1.55%) Kotlin
12 8 (1.55%) PHP
13 7 (1.36%) Ruby
13 7 (1.36%) Rust
14 6 (1.16%) Ladder Logic
14 6 (1.16%) T-SQL
15 2 (0.39%) Groovy
1 76 (14.73%) Degree
2 45 (8.72%) Computer Science Degree
2 45 (8.72%) Security Cleared
3 42 (8.14%) SC Cleared
4 23 (4.46%) Master's Degree
5 17 (3.29%) DBS Check
6 11 (2.13%) PhD
7 8 (1.55%) AWS Certification
7 8 (1.55%) AWS Certified Solutions Architect
8 6 (1.16%) PMI Certification
9 5 (0.97%) PMP
10 4 (0.78%) DV Cleared
11 2 (0.39%) AWS Certified DevOps Engineer
12 1 (0.19%) Azure Certification
12 1 (0.19%) BPSS Clearance
12 1 (0.19%) Microsoft Certification
12 1 (0.19%) SANS
Quality Assurance & Compliance
1 23 (4.46%) QA
2 12 (2.33%) SLA
3 11 (2.13%) Data Quality
4 6 (1.16%) MiFID
5 5 (0.97%) Accessibility
6 4 (0.78%) ISO/IEC 27001
6 4 (0.78%) NCSC
7 3 (0.58%) GDPR
8 2 (0.39%) Cyber Essentials
9 1 (0.19%) ISO 9001
System Software
1 237 (45.93%) Docker
2 10 (1.94%) Active Directory
3 2 (0.39%) VMware Workstation
4 1 (0.19%) VMware Infrastructure
Systems Management
1 224 (43.41%) Kubernetes
2 58 (11.24%) Terraform
3 33 (6.40%) Ansible
4 21 (4.07%) Packer
5 18 (3.49%) Consul
6 13 (2.52%) Kibana
7 12 (2.33%) Argo
8 10 (1.94%) Prometheus
9 6 (1.16%) Active Directory Federation Services
10 4 (0.78%) AWS Copilot
10 4 (0.78%) Grafana
11 3 (0.58%) Microsoft Clustering
11 3 (0.58%) Puppet
11 3 (0.58%) Single Sign-On
12 2 (0.39%) logstash
12 2 (0.39%) Microsoft Intune
13 1 (0.19%) Check_MK
13 1 (0.19%) FortiGate
13 1 (0.19%) Kustomize
13 1 (0.19%) Opsgenie
1 32 (6.20%) Google
2 23 (4.46%) Microsoft
3 17 (3.29%) Oracle
4 11 (2.13%) Splunk
5 10 (1.94%) Dynatrace
6 7 (1.36%) Databricks
7 6 (1.16%) New Relic
7 6 (1.16%) Siemens
8 5 (0.97%) SAP
9 4 (0.78%) MuleSoft
9 4 (0.78%) Salesforce
9 4 (0.78%) WSO2
10 3 (0.58%) ServiceNow
10 3 (0.58%) Sophis
10 3 (0.58%) VMware
11 2 (0.39%) Atlassian
11 2 (0.39%) Bloomberg
11 2 (0.39%) Reuters
11 2 (0.39%) Teradata
11 2 (0.39%) Veeam