Senior Java Engineer Jobs

Senior Java Engineer

The median Senior Java Engineer salary in the UK is £115,000 per year, according to job vacancies posted during the 6 months leading to 19 February 2025.

The table below provides salary benchmarking and summary statistics, comparing them to the same period in the previous two years.

6 months to
19 Feb 2025
Same period 2024 Same period 2023
Rank 605 630 732
Rank change year-on-year +25 +102 -94
Permanent jobs requiring a Senior Java Engineer 129 176 296
As % of all permanent jobs advertised in the UK 0.22% 0.23% 0.27%
As % of the Job Titles category 0.23% 0.24% 0.29%
Number of salaries quoted 90 75 208
10th Percentile £62,500 £56,750 £49,250
25th Percentile £85,000 £60,000 £73,438
Median annual salary (50th Percentile) £115,000 £72,500 £94,500
Median % change year-on-year +58.62% -23.28% +5.00%
75th Percentile £140,000 £86,875 £120,000
90th Percentile £148,750 £105,000 £165,000
UK excluding London median annual salary £65,000 £68,500 £60,000
% change year-on-year -5.11% +14.17% -9.43%

All Permanent IT Job Vacancies

For comparison with the information above, the following table provides summary statistics for all permanent IT job vacancies. Most job vacancies include a discernible job title that can be normalized. As such, the figures in the second row provide an indication of the number of permanent jobs in our overall sample.

Permanent vacancies in the UK with a recognized job title 54,926 73,148 103,699
% of permanent jobs with a recognized job title 91.64% 94.96% 94.42%
Number of salaries quoted 26,346 55,204 65,516
10th Percentile £34,750 £28,500 £32,500
25th Percentile £45,000 £39,250 £45,000
Median annual salary (50th Percentile) £59,430 £55,000 £60,000
Median % change year-on-year +8.05% -8.33% -
75th Percentile £77,500 £73,750 £82,500
90th Percentile £97,500 £92,500 £100,000
UK excluding London median annual salary £54,793 £50,000 £52,500
% change year-on-year +9.59% -4.76% +5.00%

Senior Java Engineer
Job Vacancy Trend

Job postings that featured Senior Java Engineer in the job title as a proportion of all IT jobs advertised.

Job vacancy trend for Senior Java Engineer in the UK

Senior Java Engineer
Salary Trend

3-month moving average salary quoted in jobs citing Senior Java Engineer.

Salary trend for Senior Java Engineer in the UK

Senior Java Engineer
Salary Histogram

Salary distribution for jobs citing Senior Java Engineer over the 6 months to 19 February 2025.

Salary histogram for Senior Java Engineer in the UK

Senior Java Engineer
Top 13 Job Locations

The table below looks at the demand and provides a guide to the median salaries quoted in IT jobs citing Senior Java Engineer within the UK over the 6 months to 19 February 2025. The 'Rank Change' column provides an indication of the change in demand within each location based on the same 6 month period last year.

Location Rank Change
on Same Period
Last Year
IT Job Ads
Median Salary
Past 6 Months
Median Salary
% Change
on Same Period
Last Year
England +76 119 £115,000 +58.62% 24
Work from Home +123 81 £115,000 +53.33% 15
London +85 78 £115,000 +53.33% 13
UK excluding London -18 44 £65,000 -5.11% 16
North of England +30 24 £65,000 - 3
North West +1 17 £65,000 -7.14% 2
South East +35 13 £70,000 -1.75% 13
Yorkshire +35 4 - -
Wales +37 3 - -
North East - 3 £55,000 - 2
South West +48 2 £48,750 -25.00% 1
West Midlands +1 2 - -
Midlands 0 2 - -

Senior Java Engineer Skill Set
Top 30 Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities

For the 6 months to 19 February 2025, Senior Java Engineer job roles required the following skills and capabilities in order of popularity. The figures indicate the absolute number co-occurrences and as a proportion of all permanent job ads featuring Senior Java Engineer in the job title.

1 129 (100.00%) Java
2 87 (67.44%) Software Engineering
3 86 (66.67%) AWS
4 79 (61.24%) Agile
5 59 (45.74%) Finance
5 59 (45.74%) JavaScript
6 53 (41.09%) Foreign Exchange (FX)
7 51 (39.53%) Python
7 51 (39.53%) Banking
8 50 (38.76%) Investment Banking
9 49 (37.98%) Front Office
9 49 (37.98%) Equities
10 48 (37.21%) Fixed Income
10 48 (37.21%) Apache
10 48 (37.21%) Derivative
10 48 (37.21%) TDD
10 48 (37.21%) Asset Management
10 48 (37.21%) Hedge funds
10 48 (37.21%) TypeScript
11 46 (35.66%) Protocol Buffers
11 46 (35.66%) Pandas
11 46 (35.66%) Apache Arrow
11 46 (35.66%) Dremio
11 46 (35.66%) dbt
11 46 (35.66%) Snowflake
11 46 (35.66%) Data Lake
11 46 (35.66%) gRPC
11 46 (35.66%) Apache Airflow
11 46 (35.66%) Amazon Athena
11 46 (35.66%) Apache Ignite

Senior Java Engineer Skill Set
Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities by Category

The follow tables expand on the table above by listing co-occurrences grouped by category. The same employment type, locality and period is covered with up to 20 co-occurrences shown in each of the following categories:

Application Platforms
1 48 (37.21%) Apache
2 46 (35.66%) Apache Airflow
3 5 (3.88%) Confluence
4 1 (0.78%) Apache Solr
4 1 (0.78%) IIS
4 1 (0.78%) Microsoft Exchange
4 1 (0.78%) Tomcat
Business Applications
1 1 (0.78%) iTrent
Cloud Services
1 86 (66.67%) AWS
2 46 (35.66%) dbt
2 46 (35.66%) Snowflake
3 20 (15.50%) Amazon EC2
4 19 (14.73%) GCP
5 18 (13.95%) Azure
6 13 (10.08%) Amazon ECS
6 13 (10.08%) IBM Cloud
7 11 (8.53%) Amazon EKS
8 10 (7.75%) Dagster
9 6 (4.65%) SaaS
10 4 (3.10%) GitHub
11 2 (1.55%) Amazon SQS
11 2 (1.55%) AWS Lambda
11 2 (1.55%) AWS Step Functions
11 2 (1.55%) Figma
11 2 (1.55%) Serverless
12 1 (0.78%) Amazon OpenSearch
12 1 (0.78%) Azure AKS
12 1 (0.78%) Microsoft 365
Communications & Networking
1 2 (1.55%) Internet
2 1 (0.78%) DHCP
2 1 (0.78%) DNS
2 1 (0.78%) Firewall
2 1 (0.78%) HTTP
2 1 (0.78%) HTTPS
2 1 (0.78%) SMTP
2 1 (0.78%) SSL
Database & Business Intelligence
1 46 (35.66%) Amazon Athena
1 46 (35.66%) Apache Arrow
1 46 (35.66%) Apache Iceberg
1 46 (35.66%) Apache Ignite
1 46 (35.66%) Data Lake
1 46 (35.66%) Dremio
2 29 (22.48%) PostgreSQL
3 16 (12.40%) MySQL
4 14 (10.85%) MongoDB
4 14 (10.85%) NoSQL
5 3 (2.33%) Relational Database
6 2 (1.55%) SQL Server
7 1 (0.78%) Apache Cassandra
7 1 (0.78%) Elasticsearch
Development Applications
1 19 (14.73%) Git
2 13 (10.08%) Maven
3 10 (7.75%) IntelliJ
4 7 (5.43%) JIRA
5 2 (1.55%) Jenkins
1 59 (45.74%) Finance
2 51 (39.53%) Banking
3 50 (38.76%) Investment Banking
4 49 (37.98%) Front Office
5 25 (19.38%) Public Sector
6 14 (10.85%) Inclusion and Diversity
7 7 (5.43%) Social Skills
8 6 (4.65%) Analytical Skills
9 4 (3.10%) Financial Institution
10 3 (2.33%) Documentation Skills
11 2 (1.55%) Law
11 2 (1.55%) Marketing
11 2 (1.55%) Retail
11 2 (1.55%) Tech for Good
12 1 (0.78%) Automotive
12 1 (0.78%) Local Government
12 1 (0.78%) Organisational Skills
12 1 (0.78%) Retail Banking
Libraries, Frameworks & Software Standards
1 46 (35.66%) gRPC
1 46 (35.66%) NumPy
1 46 (35.66%) Pandas
1 46 (35.66%) Protocol Buffers
1 46 (35.66%) SciPy
2 23 (17.83%) RESTful
3 20 (15.50%) Spring
4 19 (14.73%) Spring Boot
5 13 (10.08%) Kafka
6 10 (7.75%) AngularJS
6 10 (7.75%) PySpark
6 10 (7.75%) React
6 10 (7.75%) REST
7 8 (6.20%) J2SE
8 7 (5.43%) HTML
8 7 (5.43%) Web Services
9 5 (3.88%) CSS
9 5 (3.88%) XML
10 3 (2.33%) Akka
11 2 (1.55%) Lambda Expressions
1 53 (41.09%) Foreign Exchange (FX)
2 49 (37.98%) Equities
3 48 (37.21%) Derivative
3 48 (37.21%) Fixed Income
3 48 (37.21%) Hedge funds
4 36 (27.91%) Pricing Data
5 13 (10.08%) Blockchain
5 13 (10.08%) e-Learning
5 13 (10.08%) Hybrid Cloud
6 10 (7.75%) Distributed Systems
7 3 (2.33%) Algorithms
7 3 (2.33%) Self-Motivation
8 2 (1.55%) Greenfield Project
8 2 (1.55%) IoT
9 1 (0.78%) Cloud Native
9 1 (0.78%) Data Protection Act
9 1 (0.78%) Data Structures
9 1 (0.78%) Linux Command Line
9 1 (0.78%) NHS
Operating Systems
1 2 (1.55%) Linux
1 2 (1.55%) Windows
2 1 (0.78%) Solaris
2 1 (0.78%) Windows Server
Processes & Methodologies
1 87 (67.44%) Software Engineering
2 79 (61.24%) Agile
3 48 (37.21%) Asset Management
3 48 (37.21%) TDD
4 36 (27.91%) Investment Management
5 35 (27.13%) Microservices
6 29 (22.48%) Mentoring
7 26 (20.16%) Coaching
8 24 (18.60%) DevOps
9 23 (17.83%) Test Automation
10 19 (14.73%) Artificial Intelligence
10 19 (14.73%) SOLID
11 17 (13.18%) SDLC
12 16 (12.40%) BDD
12 16 (12.40%) Problem-Solving
13 14 (10.85%) Containerisation
13 14 (10.85%) Dependency Injection
13 14 (10.85%) Design Patterns
13 14 (10.85%) OO
13 14 (10.85%) OOD
Programming Languages
1 129 (100.00%) Java
2 59 (45.74%) JavaScript
3 51 (39.53%) Python
4 48 (37.21%) TypeScript
5 30 (23.26%) SQL
6 2 (1.55%) Kotlin
6 2 (1.55%) PHP
6 2 (1.55%) Rust
7 1 (0.78%) Go
7 1 (0.78%) PowerShell
7 1 (0.78%) Scala
7 1 (0.78%) SPARQL
1 21 (16.28%) Degree
2 15 (11.63%) Security Cleared
3 10 (7.75%) Master's Degree
3 10 (7.75%) PhD
4 3 (2.33%) Computer Science Degree
5 2 (1.55%) NVQ Level 3
6 1 (0.78%) BPSS Clearance
6 1 (0.78%) DV Cleared
6 1 (0.78%) SC Cleared
Quality Assurance & Compliance
1 1 (0.78%) Accessibility
System Software
1 20 (15.50%) Docker
2 1 (0.78%) Active Directory
Systems Management
1 21 (16.28%) Kubernetes
2 1 (0.78%) Ansible
2 1 (0.78%) Grafana
2 1 (0.78%) Single Sign-On
1 14 (10.85%) Red Hat
2 13 (10.08%) IBM
3 4 (3.10%) Oracle
4 2 (1.55%) Google
4 2 (1.55%) Okta
4 2 (1.55%) Solace
5 1 (0.78%) ForgeRock
5 1 (0.78%) Microsoft
5 1 (0.78%) Ping Identity
5 1 (0.78%) Splunk