Amazon RDS Jobs

Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

The table below provides summary statistics for permanent job vacancies requiring Amazon RDS skills. It includes a benchmarking guide to the annual salaries offered in vacancies that cited Amazon RDS over the 6 months leading up to 6 March 2025, comparing them to the same period in the previous two years.

6 months to
6 Mar 2025
Same period 2024 Same period 2023
Rank 479 462 508
Rank change year-on-year -17 +46 -116
Permanent jobs citing Amazon RDS 266 428 650
As % of all permanent jobs advertised in the UK 0.47% 0.52% 0.58%
As % of the Database & Business Intelligence category 2.99% 2.68% 2.64%
Number of salaries quoted 199 383 435
10th Percentile £37,900 £31,125 £32,320
25th Percentile £55,625 £38,750 £52,500
Median annual salary (50th Percentile) £70,000 £60,000 £65,000
Median % change year-on-year +16.67% -7.69% -7.14%
75th Percentile £97,500 £80,000 £95,000
90th Percentile £120,500 £112,500 £135,000
UK excluding London median annual salary £57,500 £50,000 £57,500
% change year-on-year +15.00% -13.04% +4.55%

All Database and Business Intelligence Skills

Amazon RDS falls under the Databases and Business Intelligence category. For comparison with the information above, the following table provides summary statistics for all permanent job vacancies requiring database or business intelligence skills.

Permanent vacancies with a requirement for database or business intelligence skills 8,885 15,968 24,633
As % of all permanent jobs advertised in the UK 15.73% 19.52% 22.15%
Number of salaries quoted 5,182 11,784 15,095
10th Percentile £37,500 £35,000 £37,500
25th Percentile £47,500 £43,500 £47,500
Median annual salary (50th Percentile) £62,779 £57,500 £62,500
Median % change year-on-year +9.18% -8.00% +4.17%
75th Percentile £85,000 £75,000 £83,750
90th Percentile £115,000 £95,000 £102,500
UK excluding London median annual salary £55,000 £52,500 £55,000
% change year-on-year +4.76% -4.55% +10.00%

Amazon RDS
Job Vacancy Trend

Job postings citing Amazon RDS as a proportion of all IT jobs advertised.

Job vacancy trend for Amazon RDS in the UK

Amazon RDS
Salary Trend

3-month moving average salary quoted in jobs citing Amazon RDS.

Salary trend for Amazon RDS in the UK

Amazon RDS
Salary Histogram

Salary distribution for jobs citing Amazon RDS over the 6 months to 6 March 2025.

Salary histogram for Amazon RDS in the UK

Amazon RDS
Top 17 Job Locations

The table below looks at the demand and provides a guide to the median salaries quoted in IT jobs citing Amazon RDS within the UK over the 6 months to 6 March 2025. The 'Rank Change' column provides an indication of the change in demand within each location based on the same 6 month period last year.

Location Rank Change
on Same Period
Last Year
IT Job Ads
Median Salary
Past 6 Months
Median Salary
% Change
on Same Period
Last Year
England -27 244 £70,000 +16.67% 135
London +79 160 £90,000 +20.00% 78
Work from Home +73 158 £70,000 +16.67% 99
UK excluding London -42 100 £57,500 +15.00% 57
South East +22 22 £37,500 -42.31% 9
South West +47 19 £45,000 -12.99% 11
North of England -18 17 £69,384 +79.05% 27
East of England +3 15 £55,320 +30.16% 4
Scotland +67 10 £63,404 -15.46% 3
North West +16 10 £69,384 +15.64% 18
Midlands -12 10 £66,313 +43.38% 3
West Midlands -11 6 £68,467 +36.93% 3
Wales +47 5 £67,626 -39.89% 1
North East +15 5 £69,384 +63.26% 5
East Midlands +34 4 £30,500 -32.22%
Northern Ireland +26 2 £69,308 - 1
Yorkshire +15 2 £35,000 - 4

Amazon RDS
Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities by Category

The follow tables expand on the table above by listing co-occurrences grouped by category. The same employment type, locality and period is covered with up to 20 co-occurrences shown in each of the following categories:

Application Platforms
1 28 (10.53%) Microsoft Exchange
2 18 (6.77%) SharePoint
3 7 (2.63%) Apache Airflow
4 6 (2.26%) nginx
5 5 (1.88%) Apache Spark
6 4 (1.50%) Apache
6 4 (1.50%) Confluence
7 2 (0.75%) Adobe Experience Manager
8 1 (0.38%) IIS
1 9 (3.38%) Microsoft Excel
2 8 (3.01%) MS Visio
3 3 (1.13%) Microsoft Office
4 1 (0.38%) Microsoft PowerPoint
Business Applications
1 2 (0.75%) Sprinklr
Cloud Services
1 242 (90.98%) AWS
2 152 (57.14%) Amazon S3
3 143 (53.76%) Amazon EC2
4 126 (47.37%) Serverless
5 125 (46.99%) AWS Lambda
6 106 (39.85%) AWS CloudFormation
7 94 (35.34%) Amazon ECS
8 90 (33.83%) Azure
9 74 (27.82%) Amazon SQS
10 38 (14.29%) GCP
11 34 (12.78%) Microsoft 365
12 32 (12.03%) Cloud Computing
13 31 (11.65%) Amazon ECR
14 30 (11.28%) dbt
15 27 (10.15%) Amazon ElastiCache
15 27 (10.15%) Amazon OpenSearch
16 26 (9.77%) Virtual Private Cloud
17 25 (9.40%) AWS CodeBuild
17 25 (9.40%) Pulumi
18 22 (8.27%) Amazon CloudWatch
Communications & Networking
1 33 (12.41%) TCP/IP
2 21 (7.89%) Internet
3 16 (6.02%) Firewall
4 15 (5.64%) DHCP
4 15 (5.64%) DNS
5 12 (4.51%) SAN
6 11 (4.14%) VLAN
7 9 (3.38%) IPv4
8 8 (3.01%) Broadband
8 8 (3.01%) Cisco IOS
8 8 (3.01%) FTP
8 8 (3.01%) PBX
8 8 (3.01%) SMTP
8 8 (3.01%) Structured Cabling
8 8 (3.01%) VPN
9 4 (1.50%) MQTT
9 4 (1.50%) NAS
9 4 (1.50%) SMS
10 2 (0.75%) Wireless
11 1 (0.38%) VoIP
Database & Business Intelligence
1 90 (33.83%) Amazon Redshift
2 58 (21.80%) PostgreSQL
3 34 (12.78%) DynamoDB
4 31 (11.65%) Redis
5 25 (9.40%) Elasticsearch
6 19 (7.14%) Amazon Aurora
7 18 (6.77%) MySQL
7 18 (6.77%) NoSQL
8 14 (5.26%) Data Lake
9 13 (4.89%) Data Warehouse
10 9 (3.38%) BigQuery
10 9 (3.38%) MongoDB
11 8 (3.01%) SQL Server
12 7 (2.63%) MariaDB
12 7 (2.63%) Relational Database
13 6 (2.26%) Amazon Athena
13 6 (2.26%) Power BI
14 5 (1.88%) Big Data
14 5 (1.88%) Hadoop
15 4 (1.50%) Oracle Database
Development Applications
1 39 (14.66%) Jenkins
2 19 (7.14%) Artifactory
2 19 (7.14%) Git
3 15 (5.64%) GitLab
4 14 (5.26%) JIRA
5 8 (3.01%) CircleCI
6 6 (2.26%) JUnit
6 6 (2.26%) SonarQube
7 5 (1.88%) DbUnit
7 5 (1.88%) jMock
7 5 (1.88%) Maven
7 5 (1.88%) Mockito
8 3 (1.13%)
9 2 (0.75%) Bitbucket
9 2 (0.75%) MLflow
9 2 (0.75%) TensorBoard
10 1 (0.38%) Hardhat
10 1 (0.38%) PHPUnit
10 1 (0.38%) TeamCity
10 1 (0.38%) TestNG
1 87 (32.71%) Finance
2 65 (24.44%) Social Skills
3 57 (21.43%) Front Office
4 49 (18.42%) Banking
5 31 (11.65%) Inclusion and Diversity
6 29 (10.90%) Analytical Skills
7 17 (6.39%) Public Sector
8 15 (5.64%) Manufacturing
9 14 (5.26%) Legal
10 13 (4.89%) Games
11 5 (1.88%) Marketing
12 4 (1.50%) Financial Institution
12 4 (1.50%) Pharmaceutical
13 2 (0.75%) Advertising
13 2 (0.75%) Electronics
13 2 (0.75%) Investment Banking
13 2 (0.75%) Law
13 2 (0.75%) Retail
13 2 (0.75%) Telecoms
13 2 (0.75%) Welsh Language
Job Titles
1 93 (34.96%) AWS Engineer
2 74 (27.82%) Senior
3 71 (26.69%) DevOps Engineer
4 65 (24.44%) AWS DevOps
4 65 (24.44%) AWS DevOps Engineer
5 42 (15.79%) DevOps Manager
6 40 (15.04%) Finance Manager
6 40 (15.04%) Python Engineer
7 33 (12.41%) Senior DevOps
7 33 (12.41%) Senior DevOps Engineer
8 30 (11.28%) Developer
8 30 (11.28%) Senior AWS DevOps Engineer
8 30 (11.28%) Senior Manager
9 26 (9.77%) Site Reliability Engineer
10 23 (8.65%) Data Engineer
11 19 (7.14%) Kubernetes Engineer
12 17 (6.39%) Software Engineer
13 16 (6.02%) Architect
14 15 (5.64%) Platform Engineer
14 15 (5.64%) Support Engineer
Libraries, Frameworks & Software Standards
1 29 (10.90%) Django
2 22 (8.27%) RESTful
3 21 (7.89%) React
4 17 (6.39%) SAML
5 16 (6.02%) J2EE
6 15 (5.64%) Node.js
6 15 (5.64%) OAuth
6 15 (5.64%) OAuth2
7 13 (4.89%) Kafka
8 10 (3.76%) RabbitMQ
9 9 (3.38%) REST
10 8 (3.01%) GraphQL
10 8 (3.01%) gRPC
10 8 (3.01%) Laravel
10 8 (3.01%) Spring
11 6 (2.26%) AngularJS
11 6 (2.26%) AWS CDK
11 6 (2.26%) Elastic Stack
11 6 (2.26%) React Native
11 6 (2.26%) Spring Cloud
1 30 (11.28%) Distributed Systems
2 25 (9.40%) Cloud Native
3 16 (6.02%) Tandem
4 10 (3.76%) Public Cloud
5 9 (3.38%) Blockchain
6 8 (3.01%) CMDB
6 8 (3.01%) Private Cloud
6 8 (3.01%) Smartphone
6 8 (3.01%) Video\Live Streaming
7 7 (2.63%) Hybrid Cloud
8 5 (1.88%) IoT
8 5 (1.88%) Online Games
8 5 (1.88%) Product Ownership
8 5 (1.88%) Replication
8 5 (1.88%) Web3
9 4 (1.50%) e-Learning
10 3 (1.13%) Clustering
10 3 (1.13%) Data Structures
10 3 (1.13%) Management Information System
10 3 (1.13%) Mobile App
Operating Systems
1 51 (19.17%) Linux
2 37 (13.91%) Windows
3 32 (12.03%) Unix
4 25 (9.40%) Windows Server
5 19 (7.14%) Windows 10
6 18 (6.77%) Android
7 10 (3.76%) Apple iOS
8 6 (2.26%) Ubuntu
9 5 (1.88%) Debian
10 3 (1.13%) Windows Server 2016
11 2 (0.75%) Mac OS
12 1 (0.38%) Windows Server 2012
12 1 (0.38%) Windows Server 2019
Processes & Methodologies
1 133 (50.00%) CI/CD
2 130 (48.87%) DevOps
3 102 (38.35%) Agile
4 81 (30.45%) Software Engineering
5 74 (27.82%) Site Reliability Engineering
6 62 (23.31%) Asset Management
7 57 (21.43%) Containerisation
8 53 (19.92%) Open Source
9 47 (17.67%) Fintech
10 41 (15.41%) Infrastructure as Code
11 40 (15.04%) Continuous Integration
12 39 (14.66%) Problem-Solving
13 35 (13.16%) Clean Code
14 32 (12.03%) Performance Monitoring
15 30 (11.28%) Continuous Delivery
15 30 (11.28%) Mentoring
16 29 (10.90%) Continuous Improvement
17 28 (10.53%) Observability
18 26 (9.77%) Migration
19 25 (9.40%) Microservices
Programming Languages
1 153 (57.52%) Python
2 54 (20.30%) JavaScript
3 39 (14.66%) SQL
4 36 (13.53%) Java
5 33 (12.41%) Go
6 24 (9.02%) TypeScript
7 21 (7.89%) PowerShell
8 11 (4.14%) Bash
9 9 (3.38%) PHP
10 5 (1.88%) Scala
10 5 (1.88%) Shell Script
11 4 (1.50%) T-SQL
12 3 (1.13%) PL/SQL
13 2 (0.75%) C#
14 1 (0.38%) C++
14 1 (0.38%) Data Analysis Expressions
14 1 (0.38%) Korn
14 1 (0.38%) R
14 1 (0.38%) Ruby
14 1 (0.38%) VB.NET
1 40 (15.04%) Degree
1 40 (15.04%) Security Cleared
2 33 (12.41%) SC Cleared
3 29 (10.90%) AWS Certification
4 14 (5.26%) Master's Degree
5 10 (3.76%) AWS Certified Solutions Architect
5 10 (3.76%) Computer Science Degree
5 10 (3.76%) Microsoft Certification
6 9 (3.38%) Network+ Certification
7 8 (3.01%) CCNA
7 8 (3.01%) Cisco Certification
8 5 (1.88%) AWS Certified SysOps Administrator
9 4 (1.50%) AWS Certified DevOps Engineer
9 4 (1.50%) DV Cleared
9 4 (1.50%) ITIL Certification
10 3 (1.13%) AWS Certified Developer
10 3 (1.13%) Azure Certification
10 3 (1.13%) DBS Check
11 2 (0.75%) BPSS Clearance
11 2 (0.75%) PhD
Quality Assurance & Compliance
1 4 (1.50%) GMP
1 4 (1.50%) QA
2 3 (1.13%) ISO/IEC 27001
2 3 (1.13%) PCI DSS
3 2 (0.75%) Accessibility
3 2 (0.75%) Cyber Essentials
3 2 (0.75%) GDPR
3 2 (0.75%) NIST
3 2 (0.75%) SLA
4 1 (0.38%) Data Quality
4 1 (0.38%) HIPAA
System Software
1 128 (48.12%) Docker
2 34 (12.78%) Active Directory
3 23 (8.65%) Hyper-V
4 18 (6.77%) VMware Infrastructure
5 12 (4.51%) Virtual Desktop
6 8 (3.01%) VMware ESXi
7 2 (0.75%) Terminal Server
8 1 (0.38%) pfSense
8 1 (0.38%) Postfix
8 1 (0.38%) Virtual Machines
8 1 (0.38%) vSphere
Systems Management
1 135 (50.75%) Terraform
2 109 (40.98%) Kubernetes
3 25 (9.40%) AWS Copilot
4 21 (7.89%) Microsoft Intune
5 16 (6.02%) Ansible
6 12 (4.51%) Prometheus
6 12 (4.51%) Single Sign-On
7 11 (4.14%) SCCM
8 8 (3.01%) WSUS
9 4 (1.50%) Grafana
10 3 (1.13%) Progress Chef
10 3 (1.13%) Puppet
11 2 (0.75%) Data Guard
11 2 (0.75%) Oracle Enterprise Manager
11 2 (0.75%) Oracle RMAN
11 2 (0.75%) Rundeck
12 1 (0.38%) Backup Exec
12 1 (0.38%) Failover Clustering
12 1 (0.38%) FortiGate
12 1 (0.38%) Microsoft Clustering
1 50 (18.80%) Microsoft
2 32 (12.03%) Google
3 20 (7.52%) Oracle
4 18 (6.77%) VMware
5 17 (6.39%) Citrix
6 12 (4.51%) Veeam
7 11 (4.14%) Cisco
8 7 (2.63%) Red Hat
8 7 (2.63%) ServiceNow
9 5 (1.88%) Dynatrace
9 5 (1.88%) IBM
10 4 (1.50%) Databricks
10 4 (1.50%) Dell
10 4 (1.50%) HP
10 4 (1.50%) WatchGuard
11 3 (1.13%) Atlassian
11 3 (1.13%) SAP
12 2 (0.75%) Adobe
12 2 (0.75%) Informatica
12 2 (0.75%) Sophos