Support Engineer Contracts

Support Engineer

The median Support Engineer daily rate in the UK is £225, according to job vacancies posted in the 6 months leading up to 18 February 2025.

The table below provides contractor rate benchmarking and summary statistics, comparing them to the same period in the previous two years.

6 months to
18 Feb 2025
Same period 2024 Same period 2023
Rank 136 101 136
Rank change year-on-year -35 +35 +23
Contract jobs requiring a Support Engineer 590 995 1,341
As % of all contract jobs advertised in the UK 1.92% 2.24% 2.00%
As % of the Job Titles category 2.07% 2.41% 2.11%
Number of daily rates quoted 395 708 948
10th Percentile £150 £140 £143
25th Percentile £182 £163 £173
Median daily rate (50th Percentile) £225 £215 £245
Median % change year-on-year +4.65% -12.27% +22.54%
75th Percentile £356 £315 £388
90th Percentile £517 £465 £600
UK excluding London median daily rate £220 £200 £205
% change year-on-year +10.00% -2.44% +13.89%
Number of hourly rates quoted 41 59 104
10th Percentile £16.67 £16.25 £12.34
25th Percentile £18.20 £17.72 £16.54
Median hourly rate £23.00 £20.50 £19.38
Median % change year-on-year +12.20% +5.77% +10.76%
75th Percentile £24.18 £30.00 £25.18
90th Percentile £41.50 £46.39 £36.43
UK excluding London median hourly rate £22.50 £20.00 £17.50
% change year-on-year +12.50% +14.29% -

All Contract IT Job Vacancies

For comparison with the information above, the following table provides summary statistics for all contract IT job vacancies. Most job vacancies include a discernible job title that can be normalized. As such, the figures in the second row provide an indication of the number of contract jobs in our overall sample.

Contract vacancies in the UK with a recognized job title 28,495 41,307 63,552
% of contract IT jobs with a recognized job title 92.87% 93.09% 94.60%
Number of daily rates quoted 17,642 27,148 44,224
10th Percentile £288 £275 £313
25th Percentile £406 £410 £425
Median daily rate (50th Percentile) £525 £525 £550
Median % change year-on-year - -4.55% +4.76%
75th Percentile £638 £638 £650
90th Percentile £738 £738 £750
UK excluding London median daily rate £475 £488 £500
% change year-on-year -2.56% -2.50% +8.11%
Number of hourly rates quoted 809 2,323 1,677
10th Percentile £16.25 £13.15 £13.75
25th Percentile £21.46 £16.50 £18.09
Median hourly rate £34.11 £35.00 £38.50
Median % change year-on-year -2.54% -9.09% +72.80%
75th Percentile £63.75 £61.25 £65.00
90th Percentile £75.00 £72.50 £74.50
UK excluding London median hourly rate £32.50 £35.58 £35.00
% change year-on-year -8.64% +1.64% +86.67%

Support Engineer
Job Vacancy Trend

Job postings that featured Support Engineer in the job title as a proportion of all IT jobs advertised.

Job vacancy trend for Support Engineer in the UK

Support Engineer
Contractor Daily Rate Trend

3-month moving average daily rate quoted in jobs citing Support Engineer.

Daily rate trend for Support Engineer in the UK

Support Engineer
Daily Rate Histogram

Daily rate distribution for jobs citing Support Engineer over the 6 months to 18 February 2025.

Daily rate histogram for Support Engineer in the UK

Support Engineer
Contractor Hourly Rate Trend

3-month moving average hourly rates quoted in jobs citing Support Engineer.

Hourly rate trend for Support Engineer in the UK

Support Engineer
Hourly Rate Histogram

Hourly rate distribution of jobs citing Support Engineer over the 6 months to 18 February 2025.

Hourly rate histogram for Support Engineer in the UK

Support Engineer
Top 18 Contract Locations

The table below looks at the demand and provides a guide to the median contractor rates quoted in IT jobs citing Support Engineer within the UK over the 6 months to 18 February 2025. The 'Rank Change' column provides an indication of the change in demand within each location based on the same 6 month period last year.

Location Rank Change
on Same Period
Last Year
IT Job Ads
Daily Rate
Past 6 Months
Median Daily Rate
% Change
on Same Period
Last Year
England -42 509 £230 +6.98% 430
UK excluding London -11 370 £220 +10.00% 345
London -57 194 £275 +2.33% 117
Work from Home -25 116 £301 -2.82% 94
South East -6 101 £209 -2.91% 108
North of England +2 72 £220 +12.82% 82
South West -1 61 £225 +12.50% 52
North West +7 47 £213 +21.43% 45
Midlands -18 47 £250 +25.00% 55
Scotland +40 41 £159 -20.75% 12
West Midlands -7 38 £260 +30.00% 24
East of England +8 33 £223 -1.11% 42
Yorkshire +9 19 £225 +8.43% 18
Wales -6 12 £300 +106.90% 6
East Midlands -6 9 £190 +26.67% 30
North East -14 6 £350 +100.00% 21
Northern Ireland -10 5 £148 +2.07% 4
Channel Islands - 3 - -

Support Engineer Skill Set
Top 30 Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities

For the 6 months to 18 February 2025, Support Engineer contract job roles required the following skills and capabilities in order of popularity. The figures indicate the absolute number co-occurrences and as a proportion of all contract job ads featuring Support Engineer in the job title.

1 320 (54.24%) Windows
2 265 (44.92%) Microsoft
3 231 (39.15%) Microsoft 365
4 214 (36.27%) Social Skills
5 213 (36.10%) Active Directory
6 150 (25.42%) Windows 10
7 148 (25.08%) Security Cleared
8 142 (24.07%) Problem-Solving
9 127 (21.53%) Azure
10 116 (19.66%) Customer Service
11 100 (16.95%) SC Cleared
12 92 (15.59%) Microsoft Exchange
13 89 (15.08%) Microsoft Intune
14 88 (14.92%) Microsoft Office
15 87 (14.75%) SharePoint
16 77 (13.05%) SCCM
17 76 (12.88%) VPN
18 75 (12.71%) Finance
19 73 (12.37%) ITIL
20 64 (10.85%) Entra ID
21 63 (10.68%) PowerShell
22 61 (10.34%) Public Sector
23 57 (9.66%) Linux
24 56 (9.49%) Analytical Skills
25 53 (8.98%) DNS
25 53 (8.98%) Time Management
26 52 (8.81%) VMware
27 51 (8.64%) Degree
28 49 (8.31%) OneDrive
29 47 (7.97%) SLA

Support Engineer Skill Set
Co-occurring Skills and Capabilities by Category

The follow tables expand on the table above by listing co-occurrences grouped by category. The same employment type, locality and period is covered with up to 20 co-occurrences shown in each of the following categories:

Application Platforms
1 92 (15.59%) Microsoft Exchange
2 87 (14.75%) SharePoint
3 7 (1.19%) IIS
4 6 (1.02%) Blackberry Enterprise Server
4 6 (1.02%) Tomcat
5 4 (0.68%) JBoss
6 2 (0.34%) Apache
6 2 (0.34%) Confluence
6 2 (0.34%) IBM Notes
7 1 (0.17%) CMS
7 1 (0.17%) Exchange Server 2003
7 1 (0.17%) Exchange Server 2007
7 1 (0.17%) Exchange Server 2010
7 1 (0.17%) SharePoint 2013
7 1 (0.17%) Site Server
7 1 (0.17%) Skype for Business
7 1 (0.17%) WebLogic
1 88 (14.92%) Microsoft Office
2 12 (2.03%) Microsoft Excel
3 3 (0.51%) Microsoft PowerPoint
4 2 (0.34%) Weka
5 1 (0.17%) Final Cut Pro
5 1 (0.17%) MS Visio
5 1 (0.17%) QuarkXPress
Business Applications
1 2 (0.34%) Global One
1 2 (0.34%) Kondor
2 1 (0.17%) NetSuite
2 1 (0.17%) Teamcenter
Cloud Services
1 231 (39.15%) Microsoft 365
2 127 (21.53%) Azure
3 64 (10.85%) Entra ID
4 49 (8.31%) OneDrive
5 25 (4.24%) AWS
5 25 (4.24%) Power Platform
6 14 (2.37%) Power Automate
7 8 (1.36%) WhatsApp
8 7 (1.19%) SaaS
9 6 (1.02%) OCI
10 5 (0.85%) Asana
10 5 (0.85%) Dynamics 365
10 5 (0.85%) Google Workspace
10 5 (0.85%) Nutanix
10 5 (0.85%) PaaS
10 5 (0.85%) Slack
11 4 (0.68%) GCP
11 4 (0.68%) GitHub
11 4 (0.68%) IaaS
11 4 (0.68%) PowerApps
Communications & Networking
1 76 (12.88%) VPN
2 53 (8.98%) DNS
3 47 (7.97%) DHCP
4 41 (6.95%) Firewall
5 39 (6.61%) LAN
6 38 (6.44%) WAN
6 38 (6.44%) Wi-Fi
7 31 (5.25%) TCP/IP
8 29 (4.92%) Network Security
9 25 (4.24%) Remote Desktop
10 20 (3.39%) Internet
11 19 (3.22%) VLAN
12 18 (3.05%) VoIP
12 18 (3.05%) Wireless
13 11 (1.86%) SMTP
14 10 (1.69%) SAN
15 9 (1.53%) BGP
15 9 (1.53%) IMAP
15 9 (1.53%) POP3
16 7 (1.19%) Structured Cabling
Database & Business Intelligence
1 26 (4.41%) SQL Server
2 8 (1.36%) PostgreSQL
3 6 (1.02%) FileMaker
3 6 (1.02%) MySQL
4 4 (0.68%) Azure SQL Database
4 4 (0.68%) Power BI
4 4 (0.68%) Relational Database
5 3 (0.51%) Oracle Database
5 3 (0.51%) SQL Server Integration Services
6 2 (0.34%) NoSQL
7 1 (0.17%) Data Lake
7 1 (0.17%) DB2
7 1 (0.17%) IDOL
7 1 (0.17%) Informix
7 1 (0.17%) MariaDB
7 1 (0.17%) NonStop SQL
Development Applications
1 14 (2.37%) JIRA
2 8 (1.36%) MSI
3 5 (0.85%) Jenkins
4 3 (0.51%) Hudson
5 2 (0.34%) Git
5 2 (0.34%) LoadRunner
5 2 (0.34%) PyCharm
5 2 (0.34%) PyUnit
6 1 (0.17%) Bitbucket
6 1 (0.17%) Browser DevTools
6 1 (0.17%) Cucumber
6 1 (0.17%) HP UFT
6 1 (0.17%) JMeter
6 1 (0.17%) Octopus Deploy
6 1 (0.17%) Oracle APEX
6 1 (0.17%) Postman
6 1 (0.17%) REST Assured
6 1 (0.17%) Subversion
6 1 (0.17%) Visual Studio Code
6 1 (0.17%) WebDriver
1 214 (36.27%) Social Skills
2 75 (12.71%) Finance
3 61 (10.34%) Public Sector
4 56 (9.49%) Analytical Skills
5 30 (5.08%) Telecoms
6 23 (3.90%) Banking
6 23 (3.90%) Electronics
6 23 (3.90%) Manufacturing
6 23 (3.90%) Marketing
7 14 (2.37%) Legal
8 11 (1.86%) Inclusion and Diversity
9 7 (1.19%) Military
10 6 (1.02%) Aviation
10 6 (1.02%) Back Office
10 6 (1.02%) Organisational Skills
11 5 (0.85%) Billing
11 5 (0.85%) Law
12 4 (0.68%) Documentation Skills
12 4 (0.68%) Pharmaceutical
12 4 (0.68%) Retail
Libraries, Frameworks & Software Standards
1 7 (1.19%) .NET
1 7 (1.19%) Middleware
2 6 (1.02%) Software Packaging
2 6 (1.02%) Web Services
3 5 (0.85%) HTML
4 4 (0.68%) React
5 3 (0.51%) Oracle Fusion
5 3 (0.51%) REST
5 3 (0.51%) RESTful
5 3 (0.51%) XML
6 2 (0.34%) Django
6 2 (0.34%) FIX Protocol
6 2 (0.34%) Kafka
6 2 (0.34%) LAMP
6 2 (0.34%) ModSecurity
6 2 (0.34%) pytest
7 1 (0.17%) ARM Templates
7 1 (0.17%) CSS
7 1 (0.17%) Loki
7 1 (0.17%) SPFx
1 37 (6.27%) Video Conferencing
2 25 (4.24%) Data Centre
3 18 (3.05%) Driving Licence
4 16 (2.71%) iPad
4 16 (2.71%) iPhone
5 14 (2.37%) Onboarding
5 14 (2.37%) Smartphone
6 13 (2.20%) Self-Motivation
7 12 (2.03%) Foreign Exchange (FX)
7 12 (2.03%) NHS
8 11 (1.86%) Data Protection Act
9 10 (1.69%) PKI
10 9 (1.53%) CMDB
11 8 (1.36%) CCTV
12 7 (1.19%) Management Information System
12 7 (1.19%) Microsoft Licensing
13 5 (0.85%) BYOD
13 5 (0.85%) Device Driver
13 5 (0.85%) Virtual Team
14 4 (0.68%) IVR
Operating Systems
1 320 (54.24%) Windows
2 150 (25.42%) Windows 10
3 57 (9.66%) Linux
4 38 (6.44%) Mac OS
5 37 (6.27%) Windows Server
6 36 (6.10%) Apple iOS
7 31 (5.25%) Unix
8 23 (3.90%) Android
9 19 (3.22%) Windows 7
10 14 (2.37%) Windows Server 2016
11 10 (1.69%) Mac OS X
12 7 (1.19%) Windows Server 2012
13 5 (0.85%) Red Hat Enterprise Linux
14 2 (0.34%) VMS
14 2 (0.34%) Windows Server 2003
14 2 (0.34%) Windows Server 2019
15 1 (0.17%) AIX
15 1 (0.17%) Solaris
15 1 (0.17%) Windows Server 2008
15 1 (0.17%) Windows XP
Processes & Methodologies
1 142 (24.07%) Problem-Solving
2 116 (19.66%) Customer Service
3 73 (12.37%) ITIL
4 53 (8.98%) Time Management
5 40 (6.78%) Service Delivery
6 37 (6.27%) Service Management
7 29 (4.92%) Business Intelligence
7 29 (4.92%) Incident Management
7 29 (4.92%) ITSM
8 26 (4.41%) Break/Fix
8 26 (4.41%) Migration
8 26 (4.41%) Root Cause Analysis
9 24 (4.07%) Asset Management
9 24 (4.07%) Task Automation
10 23 (3.90%) Project Management
11 22 (3.73%) High Availability
12 21 (3.56%) Customer Experience
12 21 (3.56%) Digital Marketing
12 21 (3.56%) Programme Management
12 21 (3.56%) Ticket Management
Programming Languages
1 63 (10.68%) PowerShell
2 33 (5.59%) SQL
3 29 (4.92%) Python
4 14 (2.37%) JavaScript
5 13 (2.20%) Java
6 9 (1.53%) Bash
7 8 (1.36%) Perl
8 7 (1.19%) C#
8 7 (1.19%) PHP
9 6 (1.02%) Shell Script
10 5 (0.85%) C++
11 3 (0.51%) C
11 3 (0.51%) R
11 3 (0.51%) VB.NET
12 2 (0.34%) ActionScript
12 2 (0.34%) ActionScript 2.0
12 2 (0.34%) VB
12 2 (0.34%) VBScript
13 1 (0.17%) Ada
13 1 (0.17%) PL/SQL
1 148 (25.08%) Security Cleared
2 100 (16.95%) SC Cleared
3 51 (8.64%) Degree
4 36 (6.10%) DV Cleared
5 20 (3.39%) Microsoft Certification
6 19 (3.22%) A+ Certification
7 14 (2.37%) ITIL Certification
8 13 (2.20%) DBS Check
8 13 (2.20%) Dell Certification
9 9 (1.53%) ITIL Foundation Certificate
10 7 (1.19%) MCP
11 6 (1.02%) BPSS Clearance
12 5 (0.85%) Computer Science Degree
13 3 (0.51%) MCSE
13 3 (0.51%) Network+ Certification
14 2 (0.34%) ACSP
14 2 (0.34%) HND
15 1 (0.17%) CISMP
15 1 (0.17%) IBM Certification
15 1 (0.17%) MCSA
Quality Assurance & Compliance
1 47 (7.97%) SLA
2 25 (4.24%) QA
3 6 (1.02%) Accessibility
4 3 (0.51%) Cyber Essentials
5 2 (0.34%) GDPR
6 1 (0.17%) GxP
6 1 (0.17%) PCI DSS
6 1 (0.17%) Sarbanes-Oxley
System Software
1 213 (36.10%) Active Directory
2 46 (7.80%) VMware Infrastructure
3 11 (1.86%) Hyper-V
3 11 (1.86%) Virtual Desktop
4 10 (1.69%) Virtual Machines
5 9 (1.53%) Docker
6 7 (1.19%) Microsoft App-V
6 7 (1.19%) vSphere
7 6 (1.02%) VMware ESXi
8 5 (0.85%) BitLocker
8 5 (0.85%) Virtual Servers
9 4 (0.68%) Microsoft Virtual Server
9 4 (0.68%) NFS
9 4 (0.68%) VMware NSX
10 3 (0.51%) KVM
10 3 (0.51%) Terminal Services
11 2 (0.34%) DFS Replication
11 2 (0.34%) Firmware
11 2 (0.34%) Slurm Workload Manager
11 2 (0.34%) XenApp
Systems Management
1 89 (15.08%) Microsoft Intune
2 77 (13.05%) SCCM
3 16 (2.71%) Kubernetes
4 13 (2.20%) AppManager
5 11 (1.86%) Jamf Pro
6 5 (0.85%) Ansible
6 5 (0.85%) vCenter Server
7 4 (0.68%) AirWatch
7 4 (0.68%) Single Sign-On
8 3 (0.51%) Active Directory Federation Services
8 3 (0.51%) Podman
8 3 (0.51%) SCOM
8 3 (0.51%) Terraform
9 2 (0.34%) Proxmox
9 2 (0.34%) Rundeck
9 2 (0.34%) Systems Management Server (SMS)
9 2 (0.34%) Tivoli
9 2 (0.34%) WSUS
10 1 (0.17%) Grafana
10 1 (0.17%) TADDM
1 265 (44.92%) Microsoft
2 52 (8.81%) VMware
3 45 (7.63%) ServiceNow
4 38 (6.44%) HP
5 37 (6.27%) Apple
6 35 (5.93%) Citrix
7 32 (5.42%) Dell
8 29 (4.92%) Cisco
9 22 (3.73%) SAP
10 17 (2.88%) Oracle
11 16 (2.71%) Ivanti
12 13 (2.20%) IBM
13 12 (2.03%) Fortinet
14 11 (1.86%) Splunk
15 10 (1.69%) Palo Alto
16 9 (1.53%) McAfee
17 7 (1.19%) Bloomberg
17 7 (1.19%) CheckPoint
17 7 (1.19%) EMC
17 7 (1.19%) Juniper